Operating continued, Service hints maintenance – Vogelzang VG450ELGB User Manual
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VG450EL FrontiErsman™
VGZ-014 / 20120424.0
3. Close the feed door and secure tightly.
4. Adjust the draft damper control.
5. Empty ashes regularly. Do not allow ashes to
pile up (see Safety Instructions #14, page 2.)
6. Properly dispose of hot ashes (see Safety
Instructions, item #14 on page 2.)
7. Do not overfire the stove.
CauTIOn: DO nOT OVerFIre aPPlIanCe.
TOO MuCh wOOD Or BurnInG nOn-reC-
OMMenDeD MaTerIals suCh as Trash Or
FlaMMaBle lIquIDs MaY Cause OVerFIr-
InG. YOu are OVerFIrInG IF The ChIMneY
COnneCTOrs Or sTOVe GlOws reD. ClOse
The DOOr anD shuT DaMPer IMMeDIaTelY
TO reDuCe The aIr suPPlY TO The FIre.
ThIs wIll slOw DOwn The FIre.
CauTIOn: slOw BurnInG FIres anD
eXTenDeD use MaY Cause eXCessIVe
sOTe BuIlDuP Or OVerFIrInG MaY Cause
a ChIMneY FIre. ChIMneY FIres Burn
e X T r e M e lY h OT a n D M aY I G n I T e
surrOunDInG MaTerIals. In Case OF a
ChIMneY FIre Call The FIre DeParTMenT
OPERATINg continued …
CreOsOTe – FOrMaTIOn anD neeD
FOr reMOVal
CauTIOn: rIsk OF FIre when wOOD Is
BurneD slOwlY, IT PrODuCes Tar anD
OTher OrGanIC VaPOrs, whICh COMBIne
wITh eXPelleD MOIsTure TO FOrM CreO-
sOTe. The CreOsOTe VaPOrs COnDense
In The relaTIVelY COOl ChIMneY Flue
OF a slOw-BurnInG FIre. as a resulT,
CreOsOTe resIDue aCCuMulaTes On The
Flue lInInG. when IGnITeD ThIs CreOsOTe
Makes an eXTreMelY hOT FIre.
The ChIMneY COnneCTOr anD ChIMneY
shOulD Be InsPeCTeD aT leasT OnCe
eVerY TwO MOnThs DurInG The heaTInG
seasOn TO DeTerMIne IF a CreOsOTe
BuIlDuP has OCCurreD.
IF CreOsOTe has aCCuMulaTeD (3MM Or
MOre) IT shOulD Be reMOVeD TO reDuCe
The rIsk OF a ChIMneY FIre.
Failure to remove creosote may result in igni-
tion and may cause a house/building fire. Creosote
may be removed using a chimney brush or other
commonly available materials from your local
hardware retailer.
Chimney fires burn very hot. If the unit or
chimney connector should glow red, reduce the
fire by closing the inlet air control and immediately
call the fire department.
CauTIOn: a ChIMneY FIre MaY Cause IGnI-
TIOn OF wall sTuDs Or raFTers whICh
were assuMeD TO Be a saFe DIsTanCe
FrOM The ChIMneY. IF a ChIMneY FIre
has OCCurreD, haVe YOur ChIMneY In-
sPeCTeD BY a qualIFIeD eXPerT BeFOre
usInG aGaIn.
A fire in the firebox may be smothered by pour-
ing a large quantity of coarse salt, baking soda, or
cool ashes on top of the fire.
PreVenTInG CreOsOTe BuIlDuP
1. Burn with draft damper open for several
minutes at numerous intervals throughout the
day during the heating season, being careful
not to over-fire the unit.
burning wet or green wood. Seasoned wood
has been dried for at least one year.
3. A small fire is preferable to a large smoldering
one that can deposit creosote within the heating