Viconics VZ7656F Wireless Installation Guide User Manual

Page 26

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26 | VZ7656F1000W Installation Guide

Unocc HT

Return air sensor network

lost unoccupied heating


Default: 65°F

If network communication is lost with the zone controllers, the

return air sensor will control the RTC to maintain this setpoint.

40 to 90°F (4.5°C to 32°C)
(increments: 0.5° or 5°)

Sp range

Static Pressure sensor

Default: 0

Static pressure transducer range. Voltage input range is 0 to 5

0 = 0 to 1.5 in WC
1 = 0 to 2 in WC
2 = 0 to 3 in WC
3 = 0 to 4 in WC

4 = 0 to 5 in WC


Static Pressure setpoint



Bypass damper will maintain this supply static pressure set

Please refer to the Viconics Zoning System Guide for

recommended settings.

0 to 2 in WC (0 Pa to 500 Pa)
(increments: 0.1” WC or 25 Pa)

SP Cntrl

Static Pressure Control

Default: BPD

Depending on the setting of this parameter, the 0-10VDC

pressure control output (labled BPD) will either have a 0VDC or

10VDC output when the fan is Off.

BPD (By-Pass Damper): 10VDC when fan is Off

FD (Variable Frequency Drive): 0VDC when fan is Off