Viconics VTR7300 Application Manual User Manual

Page 27

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Cool cph
Cooling output cycles per hour

Default value = 4 C.P.H.

Will set the maximum number cycles per hour under normal control operation. It
represents the maximum number of cycles that the equipment will turn ON and
OFF in one hour.
Note that a higher C.P.H will represent a higher accuracy of control at the expense
of wearing mechanical components faster.
Range is: 3, 4, 5, 6,7 & 8 C.P.H.

Heat cph
Heating output cycles per hour

Default value = 4 C.P.H.

Will set the maximum number cycles per hour under normal control operation. It
represents the maximum number of cycles that the equipment will turn ON and
OFF in one hour.
Note that a higher C.P.H will represent a higher accuracy of control at the expense
of wearing mechanical components faster.
Range is: 3, 4, 5, 6,7 & 8 C.P.H.

Normally open or close device
Default value = NC

Set’s the type of valve used for heating
NC = Valve is normally closed when no power is present
NO = Valve is normally opened when no power is present

Normally open or close device
Default value = NC

Set’s the type of valve used for heating
NC = Valve is normally closed when no power is present
NO = Valve is normally opened when no power is present