Viconics VTR7300 Application Manual User Manual
Page 26

Proportional band setting
Default is : 3
Adjust the proportional band used by the Terminal Equipment Controller PI control
Warning. Note that the default value of 3.0 °F ( 1.2 °C ) gives satisfactory
operation in most normal installation cases. The use of a superior proportional
band different than the factory one is normally warranted in applications where the
Terminal Equipment Controller location is problematic and leads to unwanted
cycling of the unit. A typical example is a wall mounted unit where the Terminal
Equipment Controller is installed between the return and supply air feeds and is
directly influenced by the supply air stream of the unit.
F scale Pband
C scale
3 F
1.2 C
4 F
1.7 C
5 F
2.2 C
6 F
2.8 C
7 F
3.3 C
8 F
3.9 C
9 F
5.0 C
10 F
5.6 C
Set Type
Temporary setpoint enable
Default is : Permnent
Enables temporary setpoints
feature to any change of
occupied or unoccupied setpoint.
Temporar: (temporary) Local changes to the heating or cooling setpoints by the
user are temporary. They will remain effective for the duration specified by
ToccTime. Setpoints will revert back to their default value after internal timer
ToccTime expires.
To change setpoints permanently, revert to No this variable or write setpoints
through the network. Any setpoints written through the network will be permanent
ones and saved to EEPROM.
Permnent: (permanent) Any change of occupied or unoccupied setpoints through
the keypad by the user are permanent and saved to & EEPROM
Local setpoint settings
Default value = Dual Stp
Set the local setpoint interface for the user
Dual Stp ( Dual Occupied Setpoints Adjustment )
AttchStp ( Single Occupied Setpoint Adjustment )
Temporary occupancy time
Default value = 2 hours
Temporary occupancy time with occupied mode setpoints when override function
is enabled
When the Terminal Equipment Controller is in unoccupied mode, function is
enabled with either the menu or UI2 configured as remote override input.
Range is: 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, & up to 24 hours
Minimum deadband
Default value = 2.0 °F ( 1.0 °C )
Minimum deadband value between the heating and cooling setpoints. If modified,
it will be applied only when any of the setpoints are modified.
Range is: 2, 3, 4 or 5 °F, 1.0 °F increments ( 1.0 to 2.5 °C, 0.5 °C increments )
cal RS
Room temperature sensor
Default value = 0.0 °F or °C
Offset that can be added/subtracted to actual displayed room temperature
Range is: ± 5.0 °F, 1.0 °F increments ( ± 2.5 °C, 0.5 °C increments )
cal RH
Humidity sensor calibration
Default value = 0 %RH
Offset that can be added/subtracted to actual displayed humidity by ± 15.0 %RH.
Range is : ± 15.0 %RH
Auto Fan
Auto Fan Function
Default value: AS
Auto Speed Fan Mode operation for Fan Sequences 2 and 3
AS = Auto Speed during occupied periods. Fan is always on during occupied
AS AD = Auto Speed / Auto Demand during occupied periods.