Pig. 13 fig. 14 – Top Flite S.E.5A User Manual

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background image

The nylon plates (sockets) are intended to be permanently screwed in place after

covering and clear doping and prior to coloring the model However, screw them

in place temporarily at this time to aid in the further construction of the model.

They should be removed later (see covering instructions)
47. Take one of the shaped hardwood wing-struts (1/4 x 3/4 streamline section)

and cut off a piece about 8" long This will be one of the forward cabane struts
(see Fuselage Side View Plan Sheet #2) Sand a slight angle at the top end of this

strut—see Figure 13. Drill a 7/64 dia hole into the strut from the end(Figure 14).

The hole should be about 1" deep and 1/4" from the L E of the strut Fill the hole

with Titebond or epoxy glue and push in the threaded shaft of the nylon ball strut
fitting (Figure 15).

This joint must be allowed to completely dry before anything more can be done
with the strut



Pig. 13

Fig. 14

Fig. 15

48. Meanwhile, cut the other cabane struts and also the interplane struts from

the formings Always leave 1/4" or so of extra length, to allow for final tailoring
at the assembly stage One end of each strut can be angled and drilled, however,
and the ball sections glued in Note that the cabane struts are rectangular in side
view (as the struts are supplied) while the interplane struts have a curved taper at
each end Carve this shape into the interplane struts and sand rectangular edges

back to airfoil section

49. When the first strut (front LH cabane) is set, snap the nylon ball into

its mating socket, which is the nylon plate screwed under the forward spar of the

top left-hand wing at the dihedral joint
The diameter of the hole in the flat nylon piece has been designed to resist the

ball-end on the strut to a fair degree Therefore a firm push will be required Once
snapped in, however, the joint should be quite free to assume correct angle

50. With both left and right forward cabane struts snapped into place on the top

wing, cut out a hole in the fuselage sides immediately behind F-8; see Figure 16.

Enlarge until the bottom ends of both cabane struts can be fed into the slots Cut

two pieces of scrapwood, one 2-1/2" long, the other 3-3/8" long Pin these to the T. E.

and L E respectively for use as incidence and height gauges See Figure 17. When
the whole assembly is fitting well, check that the wing is properly squared-up to the

fuselage in plan view and front view (Sight by eye using the attached bottom wing






Fig. 16

FIG. 17