Top Flite TOPA0905 User Manual

Page 9

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through each corner of the cover. Remove the cover.
Then, install and remove a #2 x 3/8" [10mm] screw
into the holes you drilled. Apply a drop of thin CA into
the holes to harden the threads. Once the glue has
hardened, mount the servo cover with #2 x 3/8"
[10mm] screws and #2 flat washers.

❏ ❏

7. Place a nylon control horn in line with the outer

hole in the servo arm. When positioned properly the
control horn will rest on a hardwood plate in the aileron.
Mark the location of the mounting holes onto the
aileron. Drill a 1/16" [1.6mm] hole on the marks, drilling
through the plywood plate

but not through the top of

the aileron. Insert and remove a #2 x 3/8” [10mm]
screw into each of the holes. Apply a couple drops of
thin CA into the holes to harden the threads. Once the
glue has hardened attach the horn to the aileron with
two #2 x 3/8" [10mm] screws.

❏ ❏

8. Screw a nylon clevis onto a .074 x 6" [152mm]

threaded wire 20 turns. Slide a nylon clevis retainer onto
the clevis. Install the clevis into the second hole from the
end of the control horn. Then, slide the silicone retainer

over the clevis. Drill a 5/64 [2mm] hole in the outer hole
of the servo arm. Center the servo and the aileron. With
a fine tip marker, mark the wire where it aligns with the
outer hole of the servo arm. Make a 90 degree bend on
the mark. Cut the wire so the wire is 3/8” [10mm] in
length after the bend. Insert the wire into the servo arm
and lock it in place with a nylon Faslink.

9. Repeat steps 1-8 for the left wing panel.

Install the Flap Servos and Pushrods

❏ ❏

1. Glue two 5/16" x 1/2" x 11/16" [8mm x 13mm x

18mm] hardwood blocks to the servo cover. Position
the blocks so the servo fits between the blocks.

❏ ❏

2. Drill a 1/16" [1.6mm] hole through the servo

cover into the center of the servo mounting blocks.
Install and then remove a #2 x 3/8" [10mm] wood
screw into the holes you drilled. Apply a drop of thin
CA into the holes to harden the threads. Once the glue
has cured, install the screws into the servo cover.

❏ ❏

3. Install a 6" [152mm] servo extension onto the

servo lead. Secure the extension to the lead with
tape, a piece of shrink tube or some other method to
keep them from coming unplugged.

❏ ❏

4. Place the servo onto the servo mounting

blocks. Drill through the servo mounting holes with a

1/16" [1.6mm] drill bit. Remove the servo from the
servo cover. Install and then remove a servo
mounting screw into each of the holes you have
drilled. Apply a drop of thin CA into the holes to
harden the threads. Once the glue has cured, install
the servo onto the servo cover using the hardware
included with your servo. Center the servo and then
offset the servo arm as shown.

❏ ❏

5. Inside the servo bay a string is taped. Tie the

string to the servo extension. Pull the string and the
servo lead through the wing. Untie the string from the
lead and insert the lead through the small hole on the
top of the wing at the root. Tape the lead to the wing
to prevent it from falling back into the wing.

❏ ❏

6. Place the servo cover onto the wing. The

opening for the servo arm should be pointed
towards the wing root on the right wing
. (When
installing the left wing the opening will be towards the
wing tip). Drill a 1/16" [1.6mm] hole through each
corner of the cover. Remove the cover. Then, install
and remove a #2 x 3/8" [10mm] screw into the holes
you drilled. Apply a drop of thin CA into the holes to
harden the threads. Once the glue has hardened,
mount the servo cover with #2 x 3/8" [10mm] screws
and #2 flat washers.

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2-56 (.074")