Top Flite TOPA0951 User Manual
Page 16

12. For the fi nal time, securely connect the rudder
steering arm to the rudder torque rod using a drop of
threadlocker on the 3mm SHCS.
13. If necessary, rotate the rudder pushrod so the “L”
bend in the front of the pushrod is vertical and will fi t
correctly into the rudder servo arm. Enlarge the holes
in the servo arm with a #47 (.076" [1.9mm]) drill, then
mount the pushrod to the outer hole. On the back end,
center the axle on the tail gear, and lock the pushrod
to the connector by tightening the 4-40 screw with a
drop of threadlocker on the threads.
Gluing in the stab requires a bit of prep work that will
result in an accurately aligned stab and a plane that
fl ies straight-and-true.
1. Same as was done with the rudder torque rod,
use coarse sandpaper to roughen the “arm” portions
of the elevator joiner wire. Then, temporarily slide the
stab into position with the joiner.
A = A'
2. Laterally center the trailing edge of the stab in the
fuselage by taking accurate measurements on both
sides of the trailing edge.
3. Once the stab has been centered laterally, insert
pins into the TE tightly against both sides of the fuselage
so the stab will remain centered.
4. Stick a T-pin into the bottom of the fuselage
centered over the bottom stringer at the fi rewall. Tie a
loop in one end of an approximately 48" [1.2m] piece
of non-elastic line and loop it over the T-pin. Fold a
piece of masking tape over the other end of the line
and mark a line on it.