Top Flite TOPA0951 User Manual

Page 12

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2. Identify the right and left retract—the wheels

are mounted on the


of each strut, and as the

gear retracts, the fronts of the wheels rotate outward,
toward the respective wing tips.

3. Position the gear on the rails, centering the strut

in the wheel well. Mark the screw hole locations.

4. Drill 3/32" [2.4mm] holes through the rails at

each mark.

5. Temporarily mount each gear with four #4 × 1/2"

[12mm] Phillips screws. Center one of the wheels in
the wheel well. Use a felt-tip pen to mark the strut
approximately 1/8" [3mm] past where it crosses the
hole in the wheel.

6. Remove the gear and use a rotary tool with a

fi ber-reinforced cutoff wheel to cut the strut at the mark.
While the gear is out, add a few drops of thin CA to
the screw holes in the rails to harden the “threads.”

7. If using Robart retracts

and the included Top Flite foam
wheels, cut two 1/2" [14mm]
bushings from 7/32" K&S
brass tubing (not included)
and use a small metal fi le,

sandpaper or a hobby knife to de-burr the ends of the
bushings. The bushings will be a tight fi t, but press
them into each Top Flite wheel.

8. Place one of your wheels onto an axle with a

wheel collar. Use a fi ne-point felt-tip pen to mark the

end of the collar on the axle. Use a rotary tool with a
fi ber-reinforced cutoff wheel to cut the axle at the mark.

9. File a fl at spot

near the end of the
axle for the screw
in the wheel collar.

10. Temporarily mount the wheel to the axle with the

wheel collar and temporarily mount the axle to the strut.

11. Retract the gear into the wheel well. Adjust the

position of the axle on the strut so the wheel will be
centered in the well. Partially tighten the screw in the
axle, temporarily locking it to the strut.

12. Extend the gear. Twist the wheel and axle on the

strut so the wheel will be aimed straight ahead, or have