Top Flite TOPA0951 User Manual
Page 11

2. Glue the 1/8" [3.2mm] plastic
alignment pins
halfway into both ends of the center panel.
3. Test fi t, but do not glue one, then the other outer
panel to the inner panel with the wing joiners. Make
any adjustments necessary for a good fi t.
4. Install two 24" [610mm] servo extension wires
through one side, then the other side of the center
panel that will connect to the aileron servo wires when
the wings are permanently joined (it will be helpful
to temporarily remove the fl ap servo hatches to help
guide the wires).
5. Cut one of the included pieces of shrink tubing
in half. Use the tubing to connect the aileron servo
wire coming out of one of the panels to the servo
extension wire coming from the respective end of the
center panel. Carefully shrink the tubing with a hobby
torch or a heat gun.
6. Gather everything required to glue together the
panels: 30-minute epoxy, mixing sticks and cups, epoxy
brushes, masking tape and your paper towel squares
and denatured alcohol for epoxy clean up.
Join only one outer panel to the center panel
at a time with
batch of epoxy—do not attempt to
join both outer panels at the same time or with the
same batch. Otherwise, you may run out of working
time before the epoxy begins to harden.
7. Mix approximately 3/4 oz. of 30-minute epoxy.
Liberally apply epoxy in the spar “pocket” in the outer
wing panel and all the way around the outer half of one
of the joiners. Insert the joiner into the outer panel, and
then coat the pocket in the inner panel and all other
joining surfaces with epoxy. Proceeding quickly, join
the panels and proceed to the next step.
Don’t forget to key the
in the outer fl ap into the
in the middle fl ap.
8. Use paper towel squares dampened with
denatured alcohol to wipe away epoxy as it squeezes
from the wing when you press the panels together.
Use several strips of masking tape to
tape the
panels together. As the epoxy hardens and continues
to leak from the seam, one strip at a time, remove
the tape, wipe away the epoxy, and then immediately
replace it with another strip to keep the wing tightly
clamped. Continue to monitor the wing, wiping away
leaking epoxy and making sure the gap remains tight.
9. After the epoxy has hardened, carefully remove all
the tape. If the epoxy is hard but has not yet
there is still time to clean up any remaining epoxy with
paper towel squares dampened with denatured alcohol.
10. Join the other panel the same way – don’t forget
fi rst to connect the other aileron servo wire to the other
extension in the wing and secure the connection with
heat shrink tubing. After all the epoxy has been cleaned
up, use a covering iron to re bond any covering that
may have pulled away when removing the tape.
If not mounting retractable landing gear, skip to “Mount
the Fixed Landing Gear ” on page 14.
There are no fl at spots on the ends of the
struts for the set screws in the toothed cam gear. It is
highly recommended
that you remove the struts and
grind at least one fl at spot for one of the set screws
in the collar. Otherwise, the strut may slip in the collar
on the gear. When reattaching the gear to the strut,
threadlocker should also be used on the threads of
the set screws.