Fieldpilot, Magnets sensor – TeeJet FieldPilot Install AGCO GLNRA756-A856 MF9x95 CHNGR670B-680B User Manual
Page 17
10. inStall SteerinG diSenGaGe SwitCh (Kit 91-07011)
The steering disengage kit
is used to automatically disengage FieldPilot when the steering wheel is
turned. The sensor must be mounted so that it has a 1/8” clearance from the magnets. Remove the shrouds
around the steering base. Locate the steering shaft and attach 3 magnets to the shaft, then install the bracket
and sensor as shown so that there is a clearance of 1/8” between the magnets and sensor. Route the cable
and ensure it will not get tangled in any moving components. Connect the sensor to the SCM harness
Figure 1-12: Install Steering Disengage Switch (Kit 91-07011)