Chapter overview, Pitch correction – TC-Helicon VoiceWorks Plus Manual User Manual

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Chapter Overview

A brief intoduction to Pitch correction is discussed in
the Quick Start chapter.This Pitch Correction chapter
provides more detail on usage and the editing menus
for this feature.

Setting expectations

Will I sound like (insert talented singer here) by just
using pitch correction? This question is best answered
by saying that it can make good singing sound better.

Using pitch correction in real time (live, as opposed to
studio editing) can help your pitch performance most
transparently when:

o the key and scale are set correctly

o you are singing well

o the parameter values are set to reasonable values

You should be aware that the pitch correction effect
may be very subtle even when it’s working perfectly.

How is Correction applied?

Pitch correction works differently in harmony presets
and modeling presets.

In harmony presets, your dry voice can have pitch
correction applied which in turn feeds the corrected
pitch to the harmonies.You can think of this as having
an additional pitch correction device inserted between
your mic and your harmony processor.

In modeling presets, it is only the modeled voice that
can have pitch correction applied. While there is the
possibility of mixing in your dry voice alongside the
corrected modeling voice, your dry voice will not be
corrected. This was done for pitch differentation
between your modeled and dry voice paths to allow
you to create interesting doubling and duet effects.

Can I add pitch correction to an
existing preset?

If you like the sound of a particular harmony or
modeling preset and you want to add this feature,
follow the directions discussed in the Editing Overview
chapter under the heading “How to add pitch
correction to a preset”.

Pitch Correction Menus CO to C2

All correction parameters except the front panel
Correction On/Off button are located in these three

C0: Correction Key and Scale

Set the key and scale here to match your song. The
scale options include:

o Major

o Minor-Har (harmonic minor)

o Minor-Nat (natural minor)

o Minor-Asc (ascending melodic minor)

o Chro


o Custom

The active scale notes of these scales is shown in menu
C2 for the current key you have set.The Custom scale
allows you to determine exactly which notes you want

If your song changes key or modulates you will likely
need to change key in one of the following ways:

o For live performance, you can create two user

presets with the only difference being the
correction key and scale.

o In the studio, you can browse to menu C0 and

make the change manually.

C1: Correction parameters

When you first turn to this menu, the upper line briefly
shows the names of the three parameters before
switching automatically to the correction meter. This
display will revert to the parameter names anytime a
value is adjusted.

The meter shows the amount of correction generated
by VoiceWorksPlus. Extension to the right shows your
input is flat according to the key and scale you’ve set
and the correction algorithm is nudging you sharp to
compensate. Extension to the left indicates that your
input pitch is sharp and the correction is pulling you
flatter. If any of the three pitch correction values are 0,
no meter swing or pitch correction will occur.

Wndow (Correction Window) is the setting in cents
where you determine how close to a valid scale note
you have to be before the algorithm acts to pull you in.
For example, a value of 80 cents means that only when
you are singing within plus or minus 40 cents from the
target scale note will you be corrected. The maximum