Harmony background and tips – TC-Helicon VoiceWorks Plus Manual User Manual
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transitions that Scale mode gives you with the benefit
of a MIDI chord override that solves the Scale mode
dilemma. Because inputting a chord is only required
during problem sections, you have to be aware of
where these sections are and while you’re performing,
your mind is usually focussing on your performance.
Also, an intricate keyboard part is usually not required
so limited keyboard skills are all that’s needed.
“What about Notes and Notes 4 Channel?”
These two modes, or rather the one with its sub-
mode, are highly useful for home recording enthusiasts
that can play a keyboard melody. Notes mode presets
give you ultimate flexibility in allowing you to create
harmony melodies that ascend or descend even while
the pitch of your singing voice drones on a single note
or goes in a completely different direction. Notes is a
little unwieldy when you’re simultaneously playing a live
piano or organ part but it really shines when you need
to create something new in your song harmonies.
Notes 4 Channel, with its ability to accept multiple
pitch bend performances and the fact that the voices
never swap sides when hard panned left and right make
it a useful tool for recording or the creation of live
backup tracks.
“How do I use Harmony Hold?”
Harmony Hold is a feature of harmony-based presets
that can be activated by pressing one of the buttons on
a Switch3 footswitch (optional) or via MIDI CC while
singing a sustained note.When this feature is triggered
during a held vocal note, the vowel sound is looped and
sustained for as long as you hold down the pedal. At
this point, you can sing an improvised melody over the
sustained vowel sound if you like.
This feature works slightly differently in Notes mode
presets. Sing and hold a syllable then initiate Hold
mode. You can stop singing and, while continuing to
hold the footswitch, play riffs and melodies on your
MIDI keyboard with the sustained vowel sound.
The feature can make for very interesting live affects
that seem to defy what one singer alone can produce.