Front panel descriptions, Soft knobs overview, Block on/off button group – TC-Helicon VoiceWorks Plus Manual User Manual
Page 10: Mode button group

5. Soft knobs overview
During normal operation these controls act as a mixer,
allowing you to quickly modify the global mix levels
without entering an edit menu. Moving any of the
knobs will momentarily switch the LCD display so that
it shows the levels before reverting to the preset name
and the information line.When either the EDIT, SETUP
or STORE buttons have been pressed, the soft knobs
control up to four editing functions from left to right
in the editing menus.
Global LEAD LEVEL control
This adjusts the level of the "Lead" voice. This path is
called Lead because it has no Harmony or Modeling
processing applied. Note that this path may have Pitch
Correction enabled if the Correction switch from the
upper switch group is lit.
Global HARMONY / MODEL LEVEL control
Adjusts the overall level of any harmony voices that are
turned on or the level of the modeled voice depending
on which configuration is chosen in the current preset.
Make sure the Harmony / Model switch above this
knob is lit or this control will have no effect.
Global FX LEVEL control
Adjusts the master level of the Mod
, Delay, Reverb
and Transducer effects blocks for all presets. The
individual effects blocks have their own level
adjustment controls which may be turned down
preventing you hearing them when you turn the FX
Level control. Make sure the FX switch above this knob
is lit or the FX Level control will have no effect.
Global OUTPUT LEVEL control
This control raises, lowers or mutes the master output
of VoiceWorksPlus.
6. Block On/Off button group
These 3 buttons allow selective muting of blocks in
each preset to simplify editing.
When this LED is lit, the current preset is configured
to produce harmony or a modeling effect. You can
press this button to disable the current effect and see
what other effects are enabled in the preset.
This button allows you to quickly disable pitch
correction when needed.If this button is off in a preset,
turning it on will enable pitch correction with default
settings which may or may not be optimum for your
purpose. In this case you can edit the settings in the
Edit menu at location C0.
FX button
If the FX (effects) button is lit, pressing it will mute all
signal from the Mod, Delay and Reverb blocks . The
Transducer effect will not be muted. If this button is
not lit in a preset, pressing it will patch in a default
effects setting.
7. Mode Button Group
EDIT button
Press this button to enter and exit the preset Edit
menu. All settings relating to the current preset only
are accessed here. The last edit screen you accessed
with the Data Wheel is remembered to reduce time
required to locate specific edit menus.
SETUP button
Press this button to access all of the global audio
settings, MIDI functions, the EQ and Dynamics
processors and preset backup and restore. Press again
to return to recalling presets.