Harmony editing – TC-Helicon VoiceWorks Plus Manual User Manual
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Equal tuning is the compromised tuning standard that
instruments such as guitar and keyboards are designed
to. This tuning mode allows you to play in any key
without completely retuning your instrument for every
chord.This value is the default from the factory.
Just tuning is what is known as “perfect” intonation
between harmony intervals. It is best to use this when
performing with other instruments tuned to Equal, or
standard tuning.The pitches of major and minor thirds
and the fifth intervals are brought into exact
mathematical symmetry which overcomes the
“beating” of harmonics that occurs with Equal tuning
Barbershop functions exactly like Just tuning in all
harmony modes except for Chord mode. In this case,
Barbershop tuning uses your singing voice as the pitch
reference where Just intonation uses the root of the
current chord played via MIDI.
HoldRel (Hold Release) varies the amount of time it
takes for any notes held with the Hold feature to
decay.This makes for a more natural release. Note that
no new harmony notes will sound until the time you
set with this parameter has elapsed.
H6: Notes Envelope, Attack, Decay and Release
These settings affect only Notes mode harmony. They
are designed to introduce level modifications to the
harmony voices’ onset, duration and release for more
natural effect. All values are in milliseconds.
The Attack parameter provides a gentle volume fade-in
when you strike a MIDI note during a sustained sung
The Decay parameter adds a brief, pre-set level boost
to the sustained portion of a MIDI note to separate
Notes harmony from the dry voice better. Adjusting it
determines the time to ramp in and out of the higher
The Release parameter adds a smooth fade-out if you
release your MIDI note as you continue to sing.
H7: Notes Extension and Latch
The Notes Extension feature is a new feature for TC-
Helicon harmony processors. It allows a harmony voice
that has been triggered in Notes mode to continue
sounding while the singer sings after the MIDI note has
ceased. This feature makes it possible for singers to
improvise by holding their sung notes longer without
having to reprogram the sequencer controlling their
harmony performance.
Latch works in the Notes and Chord modes only. It
acts like an automatic sustain pedal. With Latch set to
Off, you can sing a sustained vowel and press the notes
on your MIDI keyboard on and off to bring the
harmony voices in and out. With Latch set to On,
removing your hands from the keyboard will cause no
change to the chord or notes you played.
When turning Latch On in Notes mode, you must
trigger the same number of notes for the subsequent
chord as there are voices turned on in the preset. For
example, if four voices are enabled in the preset (Levels
are more than zero) and you play a four note chord on
the keyboard while you sing, you will hear four
harmony voices. If you remove your hands from the
keyboard and play two different notes, the harmony
will not change. Only when you hold four notes at
once will the harmonies change.
Dry Voice Mix Screen - DV
You can vary the level of your singing voice in the
harmony mix with the Dry Level and Pan controls. In
harmony presets in VoiceWorksPlus, the “Dry” voice is
your singing voice with or without pitch correction.