Hydracoach, The heartbeat behind – Sportline Hydracoach User Manual

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Proper hydration is personal and determined by many

factors such as gender, age, weight, environmental

conditions and activity level. To ensure you are

consuming the correct amount of fl uids, our best advice


is to consult your doctor.

The HydraCoach prompts you to enter your weight into


the patented Hydration Monitor. With this information it


automatically sets your Personal Hydration Goal (PHG)


which is calculated as half your body weight (lbs.)

displayed as ounces. For example, if you weigh 140 lbs.,


your PHG would be 70 ounces. This consumption goal

is simply a baseline and may not refl ect what’s right for


you. Toggle the PHG calculation up or down to reach

your desired hydration goal.

The National Research Council (NRC) uses a sliding

scale of 1 milliliter of water for every calorie burned.

The NRC says the average man who burns about

2,900 calories daily needs 2,900 milliliters, or about

12 cups, of water each day. The average woman who

burns 2,200 calories daily needs about 2,200 milliliters,

or about 9 cups, of water each day


. For your own

calculations: One measuring cup (8 ounces) of water

equals 236 milliliters of water.


Mayo Clinic, Consumer Health Tips and Products, June 25, 2002


daily water


The Craig and Kelly

Perkins story

HydraCoach was founded by world-renowned

climbers, Craig and Kelly Perkins, who

conceived the idea out of personal necessity.

In September, 1996, Craig and Kelly were making

their way down Half Dome in Yosemite after reaching

its summit. This was Kelly’s fi rst serious hike following

a heart transplant operation only ten months earlier.

Using a concealed hydration backpack, Kelly was

unable to gauge her rate of fl uid intake during the

climb. Disastrously, she ran out of water four miles

from the nearest stream. Severe dehydration put

Kelly back in the hospital where she fortunately made

a full recovery.

Knowing proper hydration is critical to fi tness and

health, Craig and Kelly set out to devise a tool to help

individuals quantify, achieve and maintain optimal

hydration. The HydraCoach is the result of their

experience and vision, and an evolutionary leap in

hydration monitoring.

the Heartbeat behind




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