Hydracoach, Who should use the – Sportline Hydracoach User Manual
Page 4

Well, just about everyone. Proper
Well, just about everyone. Proper
hydration is critical to the health and
hydration is critical to the health and
well-being of all people regardless
well-being of all people regardless
of age, sex or fi tness level. This is
of age, sex or fi tness level. This is
particularly true for athletes and active
particularly true for athletes and active
individuals, anyone trying to lose
individuals, anyone trying to lose
weight, aging adults and children.
weight, aging adults and children.
However, most fi nd it diffi cult to simply
However, most fi nd it diffi cult to simply
remember to drink fl uids on a regular
remember to drink fl uids on a regular
basis, let alone calculate and track their
basis, let alone calculate and track their
daily intake. The HydraCoach will provide
daily intake. The HydraCoach will provide
immediate benefi ts by monitoring
immediate benefi ts by monitoring
your personal consumption rate and
your personal consumption rate and
motivating you to drink steadily through
motivating you to drink steadily through
the day. Serious athletes to everyday
the day. Serious athletes to everyday
health conscious individuals can now
health conscious individuals can now
interactively manage their own fl uid
interactively manage their own fl uid
consumption to maximize the benefi ts of
consumption to maximize the benefi ts of
hydration while proactively preventing
hydration while proactively preventing
the ill-effects of both dehydration and
the ill-effects of both dehydration and
over-hydration (Hyponatremia).
over-hydration (Hyponatremia).
who should use the
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