Sportline Hydracoach User Manual

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Congratulations! As a new owner of the

Congratulations! As a new owner of the

HydraCoach, you recognize the importance

HydraCoach, you recognize the importance

of proper daily hydration to a healthy, active

of proper daily hydration to a healthy, active

lifestyle. The HydraCoach is the world’s fi rst

lifestyle. The HydraCoach is the world’s fi rst

interactive water bottle. It calculates your

interactive water bottle. It calculates your

personal hydration needs, tracks your real-time

personal hydration needs, tracks your real-time

fl uid consumption, paces you throughout the

fl uid consumption, paces you throughout the

day and motivates you to achieve and maintain

day and motivates you to achieve and maintain

optimal hydration. Doctors, Nutritionists and

optimal hydration. Doctors, Nutritionists and

Fitness Trainers all recommend that we drink

Fitness Trainers all recommend that we drink

more water yet there has never been a device

more water yet there has never been a device

to help individuals adhere to the expert’s

to help individuals adhere to the expert’s

recommendations. The HydraCoach is the only

recommendations. The HydraCoach is the only

product of its kind and an evolutionary leap in

product of its kind and an evolutionary leap in

personal hydration monitoring.

personal hydration monitoring.



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