Warnings and cautions – Sportline Hydracoach User Manual
Page 24
It is perfectly all right to put ice in the bottle to keep your
drink cold.
When adding water to the bottle, DO NOT fi ll to the very
top. When the Upper Cap is screwed down, water will be
displaced and spill out.
When transporting a fi lled HydraCoach, especially within a
bag or other confi ned space, make sure that the Mouthpiece
does not become compressed or deformed in any way, or
water will be released from the system.
Warnings and Cautions
Important things to be aware of when using your HydraCoach…
WARNING: The HydraCoach is NOT dishwasher safe.
DO NOT place boiling or very hot liquid into the HydraCoach
bottle as it could potentially damage or compromise some of
the seals and/or components located within the system.
The use of fl uids other than water within the HydraCoach
could potentially damage or compromise some of the seals
and/or components located within the system, especially if
left to sit and dry.
DO NOT allow air to be sucked up into the system, as this
will produce erroneous readings.
The Computer is water-resistant and sealed to withstand
wet conditions. However, DO NOT deliberately place or
submerge the HydraCoach into water.
Avoid leaving the HydraCoach exposed to extremely hot or
cold conditions.
WARNING: The HydraCoach is NOT microwave safe.
Although designed and manufactured for durability and
performance, the HydraCoach contains sensitive electronic
and magnetic components. Care should be taken when
handling to minimize any risks, due to extreme impacts or
shock, which might damage the unit.
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