4 can specific st commands, 5 iso specific st commands, Can specific st commands – ScanTool STN1100 FRPM User Manual
Page 12: Iso specific st commands, Stn1100

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UART sleep/wakeup triggers on/off. Each of the two
parameters can be specified as “on” or “off”. The first
parameter specifies sleep trigger (UART inactivity
timeout) setting, second – wakeup trigger (low pulse on
UART Rx input) setting. The defaults are sleep = off,
wake = on.
Set UART inactivity timeout. The parameter is
specified in seconds (decimal). The default is 1200
(20 minutes).
SLUWP min, max
Set UART wakeup pulse timing. The parameters
are specified in microseconds. The defaults are min =
0, max = 30000 (30 ms).
SLX sleep, wakeup
External sleep trigger on/off. Enables/disables
sleep/wakeup triggers for the external sleep control
input (SLEEP). Each of the two parameters can be
specified as “on” or “off”. The first parameter specifies
the sleep trigger (SLEEP input low) setting, and the
second specifies the wakeup trigger (SLEEP input
high) setting. The defaults are sleep = off, wake = on.
SLXP 0/1
Set polarity of the external sleep control input.
0: LOW = enter sleep, HIGH = wake up
1: LOW = wake up, HIGH = enter sleep
The default setting is 0.
Note: This command is available only for STN1110
stand-alone IC and microOBD 200 (STN1120).
Print external SLEEP input status. Responds with
“WAKE” or “SLEEP”.
Set minimum active time for external sleep trigger
before entering sleep. Sets the length of time in
milliseconds the external sleep control input must
remain in the active (logic low) state, before the device
enters sleep mode. The default is 3000 (3 seconds).
Set minimum inactive time for external sleep trigger
before wakeup. Sets the length of time in milliseconds
the external sleep control input must be held in the
inactive (logic high) state before the device wakes from
the sleep mode. The default is 2000 (2 seconds).
6.4 CAN Specific ST Commands
CAFCP ttt, rrr
Add a flow control 11-bit CAN ID pair. Takes two
three-digit parameters: ttt is transmitter ID, and rrr is
receiver ID. For example, STCAFCP 7E0,7E8.
Clear all flow control 11-bit ID pairs.
6.5 ISO Specific ST Commands
IAT 0/1
Turn ISO adaptive P
max timing off/on*. When this
mode is on, maximum interbyte time (P
max) for
ISO 9141 messages is adaptively reduced to allow
communication with some ECUs that do not comply
with the minimum intermessage time (P
min) specified
in ISO 9141-2 standard. It is on by default.
IBR baud
Set ISO baud rate. Takes a decimal parameter,
expressed in bits per second (bps). Supported baud
rates are 612 to 65535 bps (65.5 kbps).
IMCS 0/1
Turn ISO manual checksum off*/on. When this
setting is on, STN11xx will not automatically append
checksum byte for transmitted messages, or verify
checksum for received messages. Additionally, for
KWP2000 protocols (4 and 5), minimum allowed OBD
request length is increased to 2 bytes (one data byte
and checksum).
IP1X ms
Set maximum interbyte time for receiving ISO
messages (P
max). Takes a decimal parameter in
milliseconds. Default is 20 ms.
IP4 ms
Set interbyte time for transmitting ISO messages
). Takes a decimal parameter in milliseconds.
Default is 5 ms.