Art-net trigger preferences – PRG Mbox Director User Manual v3.9 User Manual
Page 36

Art-Net Trigger Preferences
Mbox Director scenes can be triggered using Art-Net. In this case, incoming Art-Net values are compared to the
numerical values of scene names as entered in the Scene List. For example, a scene named '1.15 Top of Show' would
be triggered by sending the correct values for 1.15. (Note: Make sure to leave a space between any numerical prefix
and the letters in the scene name for this to function properly.)
To use the Art-Net Trigger feature, it must be enabled at the Art-Net Trigger tab of the Preferences window. When
enabled, Director will listen for Art-Net on a specified Input Universe.
Art-Net triggering uses five (5) channels, starting at a specified channel offset. The five incoming Art-Net channels are
split into three parts: one channel to enable/disable the trigger, two channels to provide a value before the decimal
point, and two channels to provide a fractional value after the decimal point. The values before and after the decimal
point are represented by 16-bit numbers (0-65535). The number before the decimal point is always interpreted literally.
However, depending on the setting for Cue # Fraction Digits (see next page), the value after the decimal point will be
interpreted differently.
To enable and configure Art-Net trigger:
1. At Art-Net Trigger tab, click ArtNet Trigger Enabled checkbox.
2. At Input Universe field, enter a universe number from 0 to 255.
3. At Channel field, enter a starting channel from 1 to 508.
Trigger Enabled
Scene List Trigger Indication
Scene Name with Number