PRG Mbox Director User Manual v3.9 User Manual
Page 34

General syntax rules:
OSC syntax paths must be ALL lowercase with ALL spaces removed! For example: /md/palette/1/timeonly
Input and output values, if required, must be a float within the range 0.0 to 1.0 unless you are using a ’/dmx’ suffix
(see below).
Values are mapped to the range of the parameter where 1.0 = 100%.
Alternately, you can add a '/dmx' suffix to the path of any layer or master parameter. For example:
DMX value ranges are either (0 to 255) or (0 to 65535).
Paths ending in '/label' are for feedback only. OSC apps cannot send labels to Director. For example, if you
choose Effect 'saturation’, then Director will send back the '/md/selected/effect1/label' of 'saturation'.
Command any master or layer parameter, either for selected layers (for example: /md/selected/opacity) or a
specific server/layer (for example: /md/server1/layer1/opacity).
Command any main menu item. For example: /md/menu/nextscene
Command any palette item or scene by number. For example: /md/palette/1
Command any scene by its number (where the scene name begins with a number). For example: /md/scene/2.1
Alternately, advanced OSC users could send /md/scene with a floating-point number value.