OmniSistem Sky Scan User Manual

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Table of Contents

Section 1.0 = Introduction – Sky-Scan
Section 2.0 = System Orientation – Sky-Scan
Section 3.0 = Calibration Mode – Sky-Scan
Section 4.0 = Automatic Mode and Sound Activation – Sky-Scan
Section 5.0 = DMX-512 Mode – Sky-Scan
Section 6.0 = DMX Addressing – Sky-Scan
Section 7.0 = Sky-Link – Sky-Scan (General)
Section 8.0 = Set-up – Sky-Scan
Section 9.0 = Aiming – Sky Scan
Section 10.0 = Maintenance – Sky-Scan
Section 11.0 = Safety – Sky-Scan

Congratulations on purchasing the widest scanning device available in today’s laser industry. Keeping with
the tradition of Quality Sky-Scan although developed for the Q-Series Laser Projectors, the ¾” mounting
hub, also enables purchasers of Mobolazer Beam Projectors to dramatically enhance their systems as well.
From the housing and mounting designs, the Sky-Link software, or pre-stored sound-activated/stand-alone
features and the variety of scan projections the Sky-Scan exceeds all expectations for a compact low cost
scan extreme scanning system.

The Sky-Scan was designed to fulfill the urgent needs of professional laser users the world around.

Features include:
1. 120-Degree Scan Angle
2. 3:1 Projection Ratio
3. Zone Specific Control for precise placement of effects
4. Beam Targeting
5. Aerial Fan Creation
6. DMX-512 (8-Channel)
7. PC (With Sky Link Software)
8. Stand-alone Sound Activation
9. X Axis only for safety
10. Sound control of most modes and aspects
11. DMX-512 control using just 8 DMX channels
12. PC control via 9-pin RS232 serial
13. Occupies only one beam port
14. Compact Low Profile Interface unit enables surface mounting on back of projector or the interfaces
mounting yoke.
15. Low power consumption

Sky-Scan Unit Size= 1.75" wide, 1.5" tall, 1.5" deep (Head) 4.5” wide,


