Radio parameters, Radio parameters 64 – Cabletron Systems AirConnect 3Com User Manual
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6: C
4 To enable or disable interfaces on the AP, modify the following parameters:
5 Verify that values reflect the network environment and change them as needed.
6 Do one of the following:
to register the settings.
Select Save to write changes to nonvolatile memory (NVM), which
generates a confirmation prompt.
7 Select Save ALL APs [F2]
to save the RF Configuration information to all APs with
the same WLAN Service Area.
This option saves the configuration changes for the current AP, and sends two
WNMP messages to all other APs on the Known APs table to update their
configurations and reset them after the configuration has been modified. You can
execute this option only among the same hardware platforms and same firmware
8 Select Cancel [ESC] to cancel any changes you made to this screen and return to
the previous menu
Radio Parameters
The AP automatically configures most radio parameters. Exercise extreme caution
when adjusting radio parameters for the AP since these parameters affect system
operations. Options in the RF Configuration window fine-tune the radio and
WLAP functions. To configure the radio parameters, follow the procedure below.
1 Select Set RF Configuration from the Main Menu to display the RF Configuration
2 Configure the settings as required. The table below describes the Configuration
Web Server
Enables the use of a Web based browser to access the UI instead of
HyperTerminal or Telnet applications. An AP Reset is required for this
feature to take effect.
Access Control
Specifies enabling or disabling the access control feature. If enabled, the
ACL (Access Control List) specifies the MAC addresses of wireless clients
that can associate with this AP. The default is Disabled.
Type Filtering
Specifies filter type for packets received either Forward/Discard or
Disabled. The default value is Disabled.
WNMP Functions
Specifies whether the AP can perform WNMP functions. The default
value is Enabled.
AP-AP State Xchg
Specifies AP-to-AP communication exchanged. If Disabled prevents AP
Auto Configure and AP load leveling function. The default is Enabled.
Ethernet Interface
Enables or disables wired Ethernet. The default value is On.
PPP Interface
Enables or disables serial PPP. The default value is Off.
RF Interface
Enables or disables radio. The default value is On.
Default Interface
Specifies the default interface (Ethernet or PPP) that the AP
forwards a frame to if the AP cannot find the address in its
forwarding database. The default interface is Ethernet.