Oakworks Stool Assembly User Manual

Stool assembly instructions, Oakworks

background image

Part no. MMINUP0003

Parts Included:

1 - 5-Point Base

5 - Casters

1 - Adjustable Cylinder

1 - Stool Seat

Stool Seat


Backrest Flange

Seat Tube

Parts Included:

1 - Backrest

Support Knob

1 - Backrest



1 - Backrest


Stool end

Backrest end

Fig. 1

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Instructions for Stool Assembly:

Stool Assembly Instructions

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, Inc.

923 East Wellspring Rd.,

New Freedom, PA 17349

1. If a black safety cap is present on the cylinder (see parts above),

remove the cap before assembling. Place the button end of the

adjustable cylinder into the opening in the seat tube. (Fig 1) Use

minimal force to press the cylinder into the seat tube. (Fig. 2)
2. Press one caster into each of the ends of the five-point base. (Fig. 3)
3. Set the black-metal end of the adjustable cylinder into the seat tube

in the five-point base. (Fig.4)
4. Use minimal force to press the adjustable height cylinder into the

base. Carefully sit down on the seat until the cylinder locks into

place. The seat will be tipped 2 degrees toward the back.
5. Using the lever under the seat, you can adjust the seat to the height

that’s best for you.

• You need to weigh at least 90 lbs. to adjust the height of the seat.

1. Turn the stool on its side and insert the stool end of the backrest

support into the backrest flange. (Fig 5) Slide the backrest support

knob through the slot on the flange and into the threaded hole in

the backrest support. Tighten the knob firmly. (Fig. 6)
2. Remove the backrest support knob and slide the backrest end of the

backrest support into the fixture on the back of the backrest. Tighten the

backrest knob just firmly enough to hold the backrest securely in place.

• If the height adjustment lever will not work, the button on the

adjustable cylinder is not pushed into the seat tube completely.

Push down on the padding of the stool to seat the cylinder

more firmly in the seat tube.

Instructions for installation of Optional Backrest:

(Be sure to remove black safety cap

before assembling)