Support options, Oakworks – Oakworks Butterfly Cushion User Manual
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Support Options
Replaceable Parts:
If any part on the ButterflyCushion™ fails, it can easily be replaced in the field.
Just identify the part (Fig. 13) and call Customer Service at 800-558-8850.
• A) Air Bulb & Tube (pn 2335)
• B) Connector (PN 2562)
• C) Bladder (PN 1871)
• D) Cover (PN 4071-03E)
Cleaning & Warranty
We recommend cleaning your cushion with a mild detergent to protect it
against oil stains and dirt which will cause cracking and permanent stains
over time. Household products you can use include a 4:1 diluted solution of
cleaner, Fantastik
or any non-abrasive with a non-alcohol content.
The ButterflyCushion
is warranted against defects in materials or
craftsmanship for 1 year.
* ButterflyCushion™ Patent: U.S. 7,048,703 CA 2,414,864
Part no. MMINML6490
Toll Free Phone: 800-558-8850
Phone: 717-235-6807
Toll Free FAX: 877-562-4787
FAX: 717-235-6798
, Inc.
923 East Wellspring Rd.
New Freedom, PA 17349
The ButterflyCushion
can be used in the thoracic
region (Fig. 10) to create a mild stretch or relieve
pressure on the spine. It can also be pumped up more on
one side than the other to support people with sco-
liosis, and access to the upper spine is improved by
lifting the client off the table.
Fig. 10
Back Support:
The ButterflyCushion
can be turned 90º from the
position shown in Fig. 10 above and moved anywhere
along the spine (Fig. 11). In this way, different areas of
the spine can be lifted to varying degrees. With the
larger section located under the shoulders, it is possible
lift the shoulder far enough off the table to allow a
greater range of motion than would be possible on a table
alone (Fig. 12) The smaller chamber should be inflated
also to offer support in the adjacent area.
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
Thoracic Support
Fig. 13