Novak Sentry Data Logger Quick Start Guide (2010) User Manual

Novak sentry data logger, Precautions

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Novak SeNtry Data Logger

Models #2000 and #2010

The Novak Sentry Data Logger system is the perfect

solution for radio control drivers who are looking

for a more visual representation of their vehicle’s

performance. It is feature rich and easy to use.
The Novak Sentry Data Logger device records

voltage, current, temperature, RPM, acceleration

and throttle/steering data that are easily accessible.
Included Items

(refer also to photo on back):

• Sentry Data Logger

• Mounting Bracket

• Battery Voltage Sensor

• Analog Temperature Sensor Loop

• Digital Temperature Sensors

(2 included in Model

#2000 and 6 included in Model #2010)

• Brushless RPM Sensor

• RPM Sensor for Nitro, Brush Motors, and

Sensorless Motors

• Input Harness Sensor

• Current Sensor

(included in Model #2010 only)

• USB Cable (

A-male to mini B-male)

A CD is also included with every Sentry Data Logger. This

CD contains the Novak Sentry Data Acquisition Software.


Damage due to the following will void the product warranty.

Water aND eLeCtroNICS Do Not MIx!

Never allow water, moisture or other foreign materials to get

inside Sentry, ESC or Motor.

DISCoNNeCt BatterIeS WheN Not IN USe

Always disconnect the battery pack from the ESC when not in

use to avoid short circuits & possible fire hazard.

MaxIMUM 7 voLtS INPUt voLtage

Using more than 7 volts from the ESC/servo input harness

will damage the Sentry.

No Ca gLUe, Motor SPray or other SoLveNtS

Exposure to motor spray, solvents or CA glue or its fumes can

cause damage to internal components of the Sentry.

traNSMItter oN FIrSt

Always turn the transmitter on first so that you will have

control of the vehicle when you turn it on.


Always insulate exposed wiring with heat shrink tubing or

electrical tape to prevent a short circuit, which can damage

the Sentry and any other connected electronics.

No reverSe voLtage!

All sensors plug into the Sentry with black wires facing toward

the outside edge. Reverse battery polarity can damage Sentry.

Disconnect battery immediately if reverse connection occurs.

DISaBLe reverSe FIrSt

The Remote Start/Stop feature is not intended to be used

with a reverse-enabled ESC.

CoNNeCt USB BeFore tUrNINg oN eSC

Make sure that the ESC is turned off before connecting the

USB cable to guarantee that the Windows operating system

will properly detect the USB connection to the Sentry.

DISCoNNeCt Motor WIreS BeFore CaLIBratINg

Before starting to calibrate the input signal, please make sure

the motor wires are disconnected from the ESC.

SySteM reQUIreMeNtS

• Microsoft Windows XP

or Windows Vista

operating system

• Microsoft .NET

Framework version 2.0

• Microsoft Report Viewer

NOTE: For proper display, your screen resolution should

be set to 1024 by 768 or higher in the Windows Display

Properties dialog box under the Settings tab.

SoFtWare INStaLLatIoN

Insert the Novak Sentry Data Logger installation CD

provided and follow the directions on the screen.

If the CD does not autorun after several minutes,

you can manually install the software by browsing

the CD in your Windows Explorer


Double-click on the

setup.exe to begin


The installation automatically checks to make sure

your system has Microsoft .NET

Framework 2.0

and Microsoft Report Viewer installed. If it detects

that your system does not have one or more of

the prerequisites installed, you will be prompted to

install these files.


For further guidance, please reference the Sentry_

Instruction_Manual.pdf file located on the CD. The

same document, latest downloads and Frequently

Asked Questions can be found by clicking the icon in

the Sentry Data Acquisition software menu bar.

To benefit from all of the

technical features of the

Sentry Data Logger and

Data Logger Acquisition

Software, please read the

Instruction Manual located

on the CD and these Quick

Start instructions.

continued on back



This manual is related to the following products: