Novak Polaris AM Receiver User Manual
Step 2, Step 1, Step 3

Instructions are listed below based upon the plug type of your
radio system (servo, speed control, external battery pack).
Futaba J Plugs: The Polaris' signal harness comes with the
Futaba J Plug pre-installed. Proceed to STEP 3.
JR, Hitec, new style KO, and new style blue Airtronics "Z"
Plugs: These style plugs will fit into the slots of the Polaris AM
without modification. The brown wire of the JR, and the black
wire of the Hitec, new KO and new Airtronics "Z" harness should
be closest to the outside of the case. Proceed to STEP 3.
Old style KO and Airtronics (Sanwa) Plugs: The plug plastics
must be changed to the Futaba J style by using the included Novak
Futaba J style plug plastics. Refer to Figures 2-5 to change plug.
The Polaris AM is a compact AM receiver designed for use in
R/C surface models. Features include narrow-band opera-
tion, three channels, an external battery slot, reverse voltage
protection, surface-mount components, and excellent low-
voltage operation. Plug plastics are included for compatibility
with Futaba J, KO, JR and Airtronics (Sanwa) radios.
The Polaris AM receiver already exceeds the stringent 1999
FCC specifications, and offers unmatched performance on
the AM band.
Congratulations on choosing the Novak Polaris AM
receiver to guide you to the winner's circle!
Case Size .... 1.39" x 1.42" x 0.57" (3.53 X 3.61 X 1.45 cm)
Weight .................................................. 0.58 oz. (16.44 g)
Modulation ................................................................. AM
Number of Channels ....................................................... 3
Antenna Length ........................................... 18" (45.7 cm)
Usable Sensitivity ......................................... 3.0 microvolts
Selectivity .................................................. 6 dB at
3 KHz
Adjacent Channel Rejection ................ >80 dB at
8.5 KHz
Voltage Range ...................... 3.5 volts DC to 12.0 volts DC
Current Consumption ......... 5.0 mA over full voltage range
3OIP (Third Order Intercept Point) ........................ +4 dBm
FIGURE 1 Proper crystal
FIGURE 2 With a small flat blade screwdriver, press on each of the
three metal prongs until the wires are easy to remove. Remove wires.
Improper installation of these wires may cause damage to
the receiver, servo and speed control.
Insert each pin into the correct plug slot. Each pin should "click" into
place. Locking tab must not extend outside the plastic plug housing.
FIGURE 4 For Old-Style KO Harness: Black wire inserts into the BLK
terminal. Red wire inserts into the middle terminal. Blue wire inserts
into the
WHT terminal.
For Old-Style Airtronics/Sanwa Harness:
Middle black wire
inserts into the
BLK terminal. Outside black wire inserts into the WHT
terminal. Red wire inserts into the middle terminal.
Red Wire
Futaba J Plastic
Blue Wire
FIGURE 3 With the screwdriver, carefully lift each of the metal lock-
ing tabs to the angle shown below.
Futaba J Plastic
The Polaris AM receiver has been factory tuned and does not need
further tuning. Crystals are not included with the receiver.
1. Only use single conversion AM band crystals.
2. The color of the antenna wire indicates the frequency
band of the receiver.
Black ....... 27 MHz * Yellow ........ 40 MHz * Not available
* Red ......... 29 MHz * Yel/White ... 41 MHz
in the U.S.
* Orange ... 35 MHz
Green ......... 75 MHz
3. The transmitter and receiver crystals MUST be made by
the transmitter manufacturer, and be on the same radio
band and frequency (e.g. Airtronics 27 MHz transmitter
crystal must be used with an Airtronics 27 MHz receiver
crystal). Receiver crystals are usually marked "RX".
4. Since crystals are sensitive to
vibration, they should not be
dropped. Receiver crystals can
be damaged by a hard crash.
5. To install, carefully insert the
receiver crystal into the receiver
by guiding the two prongs into
the crystal socket holes. Crystals
are non-polarized and can be
inserted in either direction.
STEP 2: Changing the Input Plugs (continued)
Proper mounting of the Polaris AM Receiver will improve its
performance and reliability. Sudden jolts (e.g. when the car
hits a board, lands after a jump, or crashes) send vibrations
throughout the vehicle and components mounted in it. If
vibrations reach the receiver, they can cause the crystal or an
internal ceramic filter to shift frequency and lose reception.
This leads to glitching and, in some cases, failure of these
components. The following guidelines for mounting the
Polaris should be adhered to in order to ensure the receiver
is working at its maximum efficiency.
1. For Electric Cars & Boats: To reduce vibrations received,
mount the Polaris with the included double-sided tape.
After mounting, you should be able to move the receiver
with a rubber-type action. If using thinner mounting tape
than what is provided, we recommend using several pieces.
For Gas Cars & Boats: The Polaris should be mounted in
foam rubber and protected from fuel and water.
NOTE: Do not use glue to mount the receiver!
2. Mount the Polaris receiver and antenna as far as possible
from the speed control, motor, servo, power wires and
battery. These components all emit radio noise.
3. Make sure the case edges do not come in contact with
the chassis or battery box, as this will transmit vibrations
directly into the electronics.
If for any reason you experience a range problem, try mount-
ing the receiver on its side with the crystal and antenna
away from the chassis. Use extra pieces of tape if necessary.
4. Mount the antenna as close to the receiver as possible.
For Off-Road Cars: Run the antenna up a plastic antenna
tube and let the excess trail out the top of the tube.
For On-Road Cars: Attach the antenna to a fiberglass an-
tenna mast with several pieces of 1/4" heat-shrink tubing
and let the excess trail off the top.
Do not cut or coil excess wire, or range will be reduced.