Microtel MicroWin 2000 User Manual
Page 67

MicroWIN 2000 Manual
Version 1.0
See section Appendix E: Dialer Channel Information, Page 95 for more details of the Realtime
Selecting the Viewed Record
Selecting another record to view can be done by using the Time Stamp drop-down box at the top
of the form. To change the current record, click on the Down Arrow and choose another record
to view by clicking on this record.
Moving to different records can also be done by using the select position arrows. These buttons
represent First, Previous, Next, and Last, respectively.
Print Rec
This will send a copy of the selected snapshot record to the printer.
Remove From Selection
This will remove the viewed snapshot record from the selected list. The Snapshot Data form
then updates without this record in its list.
Delete Rec
This will remove the viewed snapshot record permanently from the database. The Snapshot
Data form then updates without this record in its list.
Snapshot Menu
Movement button to move back to the Snapshot Menu.