Microtel MicroWin 2000 User Manual
Page 61

MicroWIN 2000 Manual
Version 1.0
Acknowledge a Channel’s Alarm
If a channel is currently in some alarm state, the user can acknowledge the alarm
by clicking on the visible buttons located under the ACK selection to the left of
the Status Data. This will send a message to the dialer to acknowledge this
channel’s alarm. When the dialer again receives new realtime data, the display
will update according to the acknowledgement.
If a dialer Call At Time is currently in alarm, a box next to the ACK selection
will become visible. Clicking this button will acknowledge the current Call At
Time alarm.
Change a Channel’s Output State
If a channel is programmed as either a Digital Output or Analog Output, a
button will be displayed in the state field for this channel. Clicking this button
will let the user change the current state of this channel.
If it is a Digital Output, it will send a toggle state (open to closed or closed to open) command
to the dialer.
If it is an Analog Output, a dialog box will be displayed asking for the new value to be sent for
this channel.
This allows a user to select a new output value using the user defined scale that has been
programmed for this dialer channel. Either type in the new value or use the scroll bar to select the
new value. Click OK to send the information to the dialer. Click Cancel to not send the change
state request.
Once this information has been sent, the Realtime Data form will update only when new realtime
information has been read from the dialer. This lets the user know that the dialer has changed this
channel’s output state.
This feature is Password Protected. If the dialer password hasn’t been entered yet this call,
MicroWIN 2000 will ask for it. Once entered properly, it won’t be asked for until the next time this
entry connects.