Microtel MicroWin 2000 User Manual
Page 55

MicroWIN 2000 Manual
Version 1.0
Top of Runtime Forms
Each of the Runtime forms displays the information concerning which dialer’s information is
currently being viewed.
In the upper left, the user will see the Name and Telephone Number used to call this dialer for
the Currently Selected Entry. All forms display information based on this current selected
entry. This notion holds true throughout all forms in MicroWIN 2000. To change the current
selected entry, just click on the drop-down box and choose another entry. This will update all the
form information appropriately. There can be only one selected entry at time.
The Status field contains detailed information on the current status of the selected entry.
If some Alarm Condition is present, an alarm sound may be played. A quick way to silence the
current alarm sounds is by clicking on the Silence button (See section MicroWIN 2000 Sound
System, Page 41 for details about alarm sounds). If this entry currently has a COM Alarm,
clicking this will display a dialog box that gives the user the option of clearing this alarm.
Entry’s Current Alarm Condition
This Alarm Condition shows the last known alarm state for the selected entry’s dialer. The
following are the different alarm conditions.
For an Entry’s dialer, this is shown when:
(Green) No channel alarms exist.
(Flashing Red) At least one Unacknowledged channel alarm exists.
(Solid Red) All channel alarms that exist have been Acknowledged.
(Flashing Red) Communication Error. Problems trying to connect.
If the user wishes to clear a COM Error, clicking on the Silence button (see above) will display a dialog
box that will allow the user to clear this alarm condition.
When a Entry hasn’t connected to its dialer yet, the default alarm condition is Normal.
Clicking on the current alarm condition picture from any form will
move to the Realtime Data form if not already there.