Getting a new user started – Microtel MicroWin 2000 User Manual

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MicroWIN 2000 Manual

Version 1.0


Getting A New User Started

This will help the user look in the right direction for a place to get started. It is a very basic
overview. Please have all new users of this software read this section completely while they are
first using the system.

Using The System
MicroWIN 2000 is a software program that is used to communicate with one or more
Microtel S1000 Alarm Dialers. It gives the user easy access to certain aspects of the
dialers’ operations. It can be used to view, record and print a dialer’s current status
information. It can also be used to perform little tasks like acknowledging alarms,
changing analog and digital output states, and clearing a specified channel’s counter

MicroWIN 2000 also gives the user access to a dialer’s Archiving capability. A dialer
can be setup to archive certain events for specified channels. These archives give the
user a history of events of what has previously occurred at your sight. While connected
to a dialer, the user has the ability to retrieve, view and print these Dialer Archives.

On-line Help (Windows 95)

If something is ever not clear, press F1 for the On-line Help System. This is a good place to
start looking for an answer to a question.

Menu Bar Options

These are located on the top of a form right under the title bar. The following are brief
descriptions of what they are for.

File - When a user wishes to Exit MicroWIN 2000, click on File then option Exit. This will

prompt the user by asking if Exiting is the desired action. Clicking OK will close down
MicroWIN 2000.

Note: If you Exit MicroWIN 2000, the system will not be able to communicate with your
dialers until the next time it is run.

Talk to a supervisor before Exiting this software.

PLEASE NOTE: Exit MicroWIN 2000 before turning off power to your computer.
Problems could arise if this is not done.

View - Switching to different forms can be done by using this View Menu Option. After clicking

on View, select the desired form to change to by clicking on that option in the list.

Setup - When it is time to edit the COM Port settings, edit the System Voices, or

add/edit/configure a dialer entry, click on this tab. The following are some of the possible
options: Entries, Ports, Voices. Clicking Entries (or pressing F4) will display the Setting Up
Dialer Entries
form (Page 9). Clicking Ports (or F5) will display the Setting Up COM Port
form (Page 13). Clicking Voices (or F6) will display the Edit Voices form (Page 41).