MF Digital SCRIBE EC PC-Based Series User Manual

Page 81

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Operator’s Guide

Document Revision: 11/4/04

Page 80

The middle pane is the ACTIVE JOBS window that lists all the jobs
currently being recorded or printed by the SCRIBE EC. Information
displayed for each job includes its assigned Job name, type of job, total
number of requested CDs, the number of successful CDs produced, the
number of failed CDs produced, the immediate status of the job (copying
images, loading discs, copying discs, unloading discs, etc.) and the

The lower pane is the Finished jobs window that lists all the jobs completed
by the SCRIBE EC. Information displayed for each job includes its
assigned Job name, type of job, image path, the total number of requested
CDs, the number of successful CDs produced, the number of failed CDs
produced, and the status.

The Production Process

During production the blank discs will be loaded one at a time from the
input spindle into the recorders and/or printer. Upon successful completion
the discs will be unloaded onto the output spindle if the “print” general
option is not selected. If selected, the discs will go to the printer before
being placed on the output spindle. This process will continue until the job
is complete and the SCRIBE EC will then advance to produce the next job
in the queue according to its priority.

However, if the input spindle empties before the job is complete the screen
will now read:

To continue producing the job, place additional blank discs onto the input
spindle and click the Yes button. To stop the job click the No button and the
remainder of the job will be aborted. The SCRIBE EC will then advance to
produce the next job in the queue according to its priority.

Note: Any discs dropped on the reject area have failed to record

properly and should not be used. Be sure to remove rejected
discs periodically during operation.