Make Noise MATHS User Manual
Page 4

MATHS is an analog computer designed for musical purposes. Amongst other things, it will allow you to:
1. Generate a variety of linear, logarithmic, or exponential triggered or continuous functions
2. Integrate an incoming signal
3. Amplify, attenuate and Invert an incoming signal
4. Add, subtract and OR up to 4 signals
5. Generate analog signals from digital information (Gate/ Clock)
6. Generate digital information (Gate/ Clock) from analog signals
7. Delay digital (Gate/ Clock) information
If the above list reads like science rather than music, here is the translation:
1. Voltage Controlled Envelope or LFO as slow as 25 minutes and as fast as 1khz
2. Apply Lag, Slew or Portamento to control voltages
3. Change the depth of modulation and modulate backwards!
4. Combine up to 4 control signals to create more complex modulations
5. Musical Events such as Ramping up or Down in Tempo, on command
6. Initiating Musical events upon sensing motion in the system
7. Musical note division and/ or Flam
MATHS revision 2013 is a direct descendent of the original MATHS, sharing the same core circuit and gen-
erating all the fantastic control signals that the original was capable of generating, but with some upgrades,
additions and evolutions:
1. The layout of the controls has been changed to be more intuitive and to work more fluidly with the forth-
coming CV Bus and existing modules in our system such as the DPO, MMG and ECHOPHON.
2. The LED indicition for signals has been upgraded to show both positive and negative voltages as well as
to increase the display resolution. Even small voltages will be readable on these LEDs.
3. As Make Noise now offers a Multiple the Signal OUT Multiple (from the original MATHS) has been
changed to a Unity Signal OUTput. Useful as it allows for creating two variations of output, one at unity and
the other as processed through the Attenuvertor. Also allows for ease in patching function responses not
possible with the Vari-Response control alone (see pg. ).
4. An INVerted SUM OUTput has been added for greater modulation possibilities.
5. LED indication for the SUM Bus has been added for increased signal awareness.
6. LED indication added to show the state of the End Of Rise and End Of Cycle.
7. End Of Cycle OUTput is now buffered for improved circuit stability.
8. Added reverse power protection.
9. Added +/-10V offset range. User has choice of +/-10V offset at CH. 2 or +/-5V offset at CH. 3.
10. Added greater Logarithmic range in Vari-Response control allowing for East Coast style Portamento.
11. The evolution in the circuit is the CYCLE INput which allows for voltage control of the CYCLE state in
Channels 1 and 4. On Gate HIGH, the MATHS will CYCLE. On Gate LOW MATHS will not CYCLE (unless
the CYCLE button is engaged).