Make Noise MATHS User Manual
Page 16

Patch Ideas: Analog Voltages, Triggered Functions/ Envelopes
Voltage Controlled Transient Function Generator (Attack/ Decay EG)
A pulse or gate applied to the Trigger IN of CH. 1 or 4 will start the transient function which rises from 0V to
10V at a rate determined by the RISE parameter and then falls from 10V to 0V at a rate determined by the
FALL parameter. This function is re-trigger-able during the falling portion. RISE and FALL are independently
voltage controllable, with variable response from Log thru Linear to Exponential, as set by the Vari-Response
panel Control. The resulting function may be further processed with attenuation and/ or inversion by the
Voltage Controlled Sustained Function Generator (A/S/R EG)
A gate applied to the Signal IN of CH. 1 or 4 will start the function which rises from 0V to the level of the
applied Gate, at a rate determined by the RISE parameter, Sustains at that level until the Gate signal ends,
and then falls from that level to 0V at a rate determined by the FALL parameter. RISE and FALL are
independently voltage controllable, with variable response as set by the Vari-Response panel Control. The
resulting function may be further processed with attenuation and/ or inversion by the Attenuvertor.
Typical Voltage Controlled ADSR type Envelope
Apply Gate signal to CH.1 Signal In. Set CH. 1 Attenuvertor to less than Full CW. Patch CH. 1 End of Rise to
CH. 4 Trigger IN. Set CH. 4 Attenuvertor to Full CW. Take output from OR bus OUT, being sure that CH. 2,3
are set to NOON if not in use. In this patch CH. 1 and 4 RISE will control the Attack Time. For typical ADSR
adjust these parameters to be similar (Setting CH. 1 RISE to be longer then CH. 4 will or vice-versa, will
produce two attack stages). CH. 4 FALL parameter will adjust the Decay stage of the envelope. CH. 1
Attenuvertor will set the Sustain level, which MUST be lower than that same parameter on CH. 4. Finally CH.
1 FALL will set the Release Time.
Bouncing Ball, 2013 edition thanx to Pete Speer
Set CH. 1 RISE full CCW, FALL to 3:00, response to Linear. Set CH. 4 RISE full CCW, FALL to 11:00,
response to Linear. Patch CH. 1 EOR to CH. 4 CYCLE In, and Ch. 1 variable OUT to Ch.4 FALL input.
Patch CH. 4 Output to VCA or LPG control input. Patch a gate or trigger source, such as the touch gate from
Pressure Points, to CH. 1 TRIG in for manual start of "bounces". Adjust Channel 4 RISE and FALL for
Independent Contours - thanx to Navs
By changing the level and polarity of the Variable OUT of CH. 1, 4 with the Attenuvertor, and feeding that
signal back into CH.1, 4 at RISE or FALL Control IN, independent control of the corresponding slope is
achieved. Take output from Unity Signal OUT. Best to have the Response panel control set to NOON.
Independent Complex Contours
Same as above, but additional control is possible by using the EOC or EOR to trigger the opposite channel,
and use the SUM or OR output to RISE, FALL or BOTH of the original channel. Alter RISE, FALL,
attenuversion and response curve of opposite channel to achieve various shapes.
Asymmetrical Trilling Envelope - thanx to Walker Farrell
Engage cycling on CH. 1, or apply a signal of your choice to its Trigger or Signal IN. Set RISE and FALL to
12:00 with Linear response. Patch CH. 1 EOR to CH. 4 CYCLE input. Set CH. 4 RISE to 1:00 and FALL to
11:00, with Exponential response. Take output from OR (with CH. 2 and 3 set to 12:00). The resulting
envelope has a "trill" during the fall portion. Adjust relative levels and RISE/FALL times and responses.
Alternatively, swap channels and use the EOC output to CH. 1's CYCLE input for trilling during the rise