Make Noise MATHS User Manual

Page 15

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Patch Ideas: Analog Voltages, Low Frequency Oscillators

Typical Voltage Controlled Triangle Function (Triangle LFO)

Set CH. 1 (or 4) to Cycle. Set RISE and FALL Panel Control to NOON. Set CH. 2 Attenuvertor to NOON.

Patch SUM OUT to Both Control Input. Apply desired frequency modulation to CH. 3 Signal Input. The CH. 2

Attenuvertor will set Frequency. Output is taken from Signal OUTs of associated channel. Setting RISE and

FALL parameters further CW will provide longer cycles. Setting these parameters further CCW will provide

short cycles, up to audio rate. The resulting function may be further processed with attenuation and/ or

inversion by the Attenuvertor. Alternatively, take output from the cycling channel's UNITY output and patch

the Variable OUT to the RISE or FALL CV IN to morph LFO shapes with the CH 1 (or 4) Attenuvertor.

Typical Voltage Controlled Ramp Function (Saw/ Ramp LFO)

Same as above, only the RISE parameter is set FULL CCW, FALL parameter is set to at least NOON.

Arcade Trill (Complex LFO)

Set CH. 4 RISE and FALL to NOON, response to EXPonential. Patch EOC to a multiple, then to CH. 1

Trigger IN and Ch. 2 INput. Adjust Ch. 2 panel control to 10:00. Patch Ch.2 OUTput to Ch. 1 BOTH INput.

Set CH. 1 RISE to NOON, FALL to full CCW, response to LINear. Engage CH. 4 CYCLE switch (Ch. 1

should not be cycling). Apply Unity OUT CH. 1 to modulation destination. Adjust Ch. 1 RISE panel control for

variation (note that very small changes will have drastic effect on the sound).

Chaotic Trill (requires MMG or other Direct Coupled LP filter)

Begin with Arcade Trill patch. set CH. 1 Attenuvertor to 1 o'clock. Apply CH. 1 Signal OUT to MMG DC Signal

IN. Patch EOR to MMG AC Signal IN, set to LP mode, no feedback, starting with FREQ at full CCW. Apply

MMG Signal OUT to MATHS CH. 4 Both IN. Patch CH. 4 Variable OUT to CH. 1 BOTH CV IN. Unity Signal

OUT to modulation destination. MMG FREQ and Signal IN controls and MATHS CH. 1 and 4 Attenuvertors

will be of great interest in addition to the RISE and FALL parameters.

281 “Quadrature Mode” (Complex LFO)

In this patch, CH. 1,4 work in tandem to provide functions shifted by ninety degrees. With both Cycle

Switches UN-ENGAGED, Patch End of RISE (CH. 1) to Trigger IN CH. 4. Patch End of Cycle (CH. 4) to

Trigger IN CH. 1. If both CH.1 and 4 do not begin cycling, engage CH. 1 CYCLE Briefly. With both channels

cycling, apply their respective Signal outputs to two different modulation destinations, for example two

channels of the Optomix.