Make Noise MATHS User Manual
Page 11

MATHS is laid out top to bottom, with symmetrical features between CH. 1 and 4. The signal inputs are at the
top, followed by the panel controls and control signal inputs at the middle. The signal outputs are at the
bottom of the module. LEDs are placed near the signal they are indicating.
Channels 1 and 4 are able to scale, invert or integrate an incoming signal. With no signal applied, these
channels may be made to generate a variety of linear, logarithmic, or exponential functions upon the
reception of a trigger, or continuously when the CYCLE is engaged. One small difference between CH. 1 and
4 is in their respective Pulse outputs; CH.1 having End of Rise and CH. 4 having End of Cycle. This was
done to facilitate the creation of complex functions utilizing both CH. 1 and 4. Channels 2 and 3 are able to
scale, amplify and invert an incoming signal. With no external signal applied, these channels generate DC
offsets. The only difference between CH. 2 and 3 is that CH. 2 generates a +/-10V offset while Ch. 3
generates a +/-5V offset.
All 4 channels have outputs (called Variable OUTs) which are normalized to a SUM, INVerted Sum and OR
bus so that addition, subtraction, inversion and analog logic OR manipulations may be achieved. Inserting a
plug to these Variable OUT sockets will remove the associated signal from the SUM and OR bus (Channels
1 and 4 have unity outputs, which are NOT normalized to the SUM and OR bus). These outputs are
controlled by the 4 Attenuvertors at the center of the module.
These inputs are all Direct Coupled to their associated circuit. This means they are able to pass both audio
and control signals. These inputs are used to process external control voltages. CH. 1 and 4 Signal IN could
also be used to generate Attack/ Sustain/ Release type envelopes from a gate signal. Channels 2 and 3 are
also normalized to a voltage reference so that with nothing patched to the input, that channel could be used
for generation of voltage offsets. This is useful for level shifting a function or other signal that is at one of the
other channels by adding the voltage offset to that signal and taking the SUM OUT.
CH. 1 and 4 also have a trigger input. A gate or pulse applied to this input will trigger the associated circuit
regardless of activity at the Signal IN. The result being a 0V to 10V function, aka Envelope, whose
characteristics are defined by the RISE, FALL, Vari-Response and Attenuvertor parameters. This function will
rise from 0V to 10V and then immediately fall from 10V to 0V. There is NO SUSTAIN. To get a sustaining
envelope function, use the Signal IN (see above). MATHS will re-trigger during the falling portion of the
function, but will NOT re-trigger on the rising portion of the function. This allows clock and gate division since
MATHS could be programmed to IGNORE incoming clocks and gates by setting the RISE Time to be greater
than the time between the incoming clocks and/ or gates.
The CYCLE Button and CYCLE IN both do the same thing... they make MATHS self-oscillate aka CYCLE,
which are just fancy terms for LFO! When you want LFO, make MATHS CYCLE and you will be satisfied.