Make Noise MATHS User Manual
Page 13

Signal OUTS
There are many different signal outputs on the MATHS. All of them are situated at the bottom of the module.
Many of them have LEDs situated nearby for visual indication of the signals.
The Variable OUTs
These outputs are labelled 1, 2, 3 and 4 and are associated with the four Attenuvertor controls in the center
of the module. These outputs are all determined by the settings of their associated controls, esp. the CH. 1
thru 4 Attenuvertor controls. All of these jacks are normalled to the SUM and OR Bus. With nothing patched
to these outputs, the associated signal is injected into the SUM and OR Bus. When you patch a cable into
any one of these output jacks, the associated signal will be REMOVED from the SUM and OR Bus. These
outputs are useful when you have a modulation destination where there is no attenuation or inversion
available (the CV inputs on the MATHS or FUNCTION modules for example). They are also useful when you
want to create a variation of signal that is at a different amplitude or phase.
This is the End Of Rise output for CH. 1. This is an event signal. It is either at 0V or 10V and nothing
between. It defaults to 0V, or LOW when there is no activity. The event in this case is when the associated
channel reaches the highest voltage to which it will travel. This is a good signal to choose for Clocking or
Pulse shaped LFO. It is also useful for Pulse Delay and clock division since the Rise will set the amount of
time it takes for this output to go HIGH.
This is the End Of Cycle output for CH. 4 This is an event signal. It is either at 0V or 10V and nothing
between. It defaults to +10V, or HIGH, when there is no activity. The event in this case is when the
associated channel reaches the lowest voltage to which it will travel. The associated LED will be lighted
when nothing is happening. This is a good signal to choose for Clocking or Pulse shaped LFO.
Unity Signal OUTs CH. 1 and 4
These outputs are tapped directly off the core of the associated channel. They are not affected by the
channel's Attenuvertor. Patching into this output will NOT remove the signal from the SUM and OR Buses.
This is a good output to use when you do not require attenuation or inversion or when you want to use the
signal both independently and within the SUM/ OR Bus.
This is the output from the analog OR circuit. The inputs are CH. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Variable OUTputs. It will
always output the highest voltage out of all the voltages applied to the inputs. Some people call this a
Maximum Voltage selector circuit! The attenuators allow for weighting the signals. It will not respond to
negative voltages, therefore it could also be used to rectify a signal. Useful for creating variations on a
modulation or sending CV to inputs that only respond to positive voltages (e.g. Organize CV IN on the
SUM OUT This is the output from the analog SUM circuit. The inputs are CH. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Variable OUTs.
Depending upon how the Attenuvertors are set, you could add, invert or subtract voltages from each other
using this circuit. This is a good output to use for combining several control signals in order to generate more
complex modulations.
INV OUT This is the inverted version of the SUM output. It will allow you to modulate backwards!