The arp clock & sync 24 outputs, Potential problems using midi clock – Kenton Pro-2 User Manual
Page 8

The ARP CLOCK & SYNC 24 outputs
ARP CLOCK - (arpeggio clock)
- this output provides a 5 volt clock pulse related to the incoming MIDI clock. The ratio of MIDI clocks
to arpeggio pulses can be adjusted - (see ARP CLOCK DIVIDE above).
A 5 volt positive voltage will be output on the first MIDI clock after a MIDI start (or continue if selected)
is received, & there- after dependent upon the ARP CLOCK DIVIDE ratio.
SYNC 24 - (DIN 24 sync - used on much ROLAND equipment)
- this output provides clock and stop / start signals.
Pin 1 - Stop = 0 volts
Start = 5 volts (or continue if selected)
Pin 3 - 5 volt pulses (24 per quarter note - the same as MIDI)
Pin 2 - Ground
Pins 4 & 5 are not used.
Note that MIDI leads are not generally suitable for connecting to the SYNC 24 socket as they have
different pins connected. Use a 5 pin DIN to 5 pin DIN audio lead - available from a HI-FI shop.
When using the MIDI clock in conjunction with the PRO-2 or our retrofits please note the following;
The Kenton add-on cannot sync the arpeggio if it is not actually receiving the MIDI clock. This is not
as silly as it sounds, there are a few points to watch for:-
a) Some MIDI mergers & patch bays actually remove MIDI clock information from the MIDI data
stream or you may have to enable it for the port you are using.
b) Users of CUBASE note that the default for MIDI clock is for it NOT to be sent, you will have to go into
MIDI edit and switch it on.
c) Users of UNITOR/EXPORT on an Atari note that the MIDI clock will only come out of port A (that is
the Atari's own MIDI port) unless you can re-assign it.
One way you can check whether the PRO-2 is receiving MIDI clock is to use the in built MIDI Analyser,
described later in this manual.