The options in group ii – Kenton Pro-2 User Manual
Page 6

The OPTIONS in Group II
(the right hand list - inverse display)
NOTE PRIORITY A (range lo/hi/ne) [factory default =ne]
- displays the note priority for Channel A of the converter.
If set to "lo" then the lowest valid note played takes precedence.
If set to "hi" then the highest valid note played takes precedence.
If set to "ne" then the newest valid note played takes precedence.
TRIG / RETRIG A (range t/rt) [factory default =rt]
- displays whether normal trigger " t" or retrigger "rt" mode is in operation for Channel A.
If set to " t" the gate is always on while a valid note is playing.
If set to "rt" then a new valid note will briefly turn off the gate to retrigger the envelope generators of
the attached synth.
NOTE PRIORITY B (range lo/hi/ne) [factory default =ne]
- displays the note priority for Channel B of the converter.
If set to "lo" then the lowest valid note played takes precedence.
If set to "hi" then the highest valid note played takes precedence.
If set to "ne" then the newest valid note played takes precedence.
TRIG / RETRIG B (range t/rt) [factory default =rt]
- displays whether normal trigger " t" or retrigger "rt" mode is in operation for Channel B of.
If set to " t" the gate is always on while a valid note is playing.
If set to "rt" then a new valid note will briefly turn off the gate to retrigger the envelope generators of
the attached synth.
ARP CLOCK DIVIDE (range 2 to 24) [factory default =2]
- displays the ratio of MIDI clocks to output pulses from the arp clock jack socketl.
If set to " 2" there will be 1 pulse from the arp clock jack socket for every 2 MIDI clocks. (i.e. 12 pulses
per quarter note).
If set to "24" there will be 1 pulse from the arp clock jack socket for every 24 MIDI clocks. (i.e. 1 pulse
per quarter note).
N.B. MIDI sends 24 clocks per quarter note.
CONTINUE = START (range off/on) [factory default =on]
- displays whether an incoming "continue" message will be treated as a start message.
If set to "of" then incoming "continue" messages are ignored.
If set to "on" then incoming "continue" messages are treated as if they were "start" messages.