The options in group i – Kenton Pro-2 User Manual

Page 5

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The OPTIONS in Group I

(the left hand list - normal display)


MIDI CHANNEL A (range 1 to 16) [factory default =1]

- displays the current MIDI receive channel for Channel A of the converter


AUX A-1 SOURCE (range pb/vl/af/ 0-120) [factory default =16]

- displays which MIDI controller is being output to the AUX 1 jack socket for Channel A of the
converter. If the window displays a number, then this is the controller which is being used. If you
decrement past 0, you will see "af" which means after-touch, "vl" which means velocity and "pb"
which means pitchbend (note however that pitchbend is already integrated into the CV output).

AUX A-1 OFFSET (range 0 to 127) [factory default =0]

- displays the offset value sent to the AUX 1 jack socket for Channel A when the converter is turned
on, or when it receives a "reset all controllers" MIDI message. For example, this feature can be used if
controlling the volume of a synth using the AUX 1 socket. Setting this value to 127 will mean that you
will be able to hear your synth from power up or after a reset all controllers message, instead of the
volume being set to zero


AUX A-2 SOURCE (range tr/pb/vl/af/ 0-120) [factory default =7]

- displays which MIDI controller is being output to the AUX 2 jack socket for Channel A of the
converter. Mostly as for Aux A-1 source (see above) but with the additional option of "tr" - trig. If AUX
A-2 source is set to "tr" then a trigger voltage is sent to the AUX 2 jack socket for Channel A whenever
a valid new note is played. This can be used for synths that have a separate trig input for the
envelope generators (such as the ARP 2600).

AUX A-2 OFFSET (range 0 to 127) [factory default =127]

- displays the offset value sent to the AUX 2 jack socket for Channel A when the converter is turned
on, or when it receives a "reset all controllers" MIDI message, as for Aux A-1 offset (see above).

The Group I options for channel B are the same as that for channel A