Compaq R6000 User Manual

Page 61

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4-6 Compaq R6000 Series UPS Operation and Reference Guide

ON: 1 - - 4 5

UPS Status + Active Alarm Count

In this example, the UPS has detected no problems and there are no alarms.

System Normal

0 Alarms

On Battery

The UPS has switched from utility voltage input to battery power. “X” is the
number of alarms.

On Battery

X Alarms

On Bypass

The UPS has been placed in Bypass mode. “X” is the number of alarms
triggered when the UPS was switched to Bypass mode.

On Bypass

X Alarms

Load Power Off

The power feeding the UPS-protected devices has terminated. “X” is the
number of alarms triggered when the load power was terminated.

Load Power Off

X Alarms

Load Power On

Utility power has been restored to the devices backed up by the UPS. “X” is
the number of alarms triggered when the load power resumed.

Load Power On