Setting up the scanner – Canon DR-4080U User Manual
Page 29
Number, mode and
default display
07 Displaying the product ID
Displays the product ID of the scanner.
0 7 . P r o d u c t
D R - 4 0 8 0 U
08 Setting the sensitivity of
Sets the degree of sensitivity for the double feed detector.
Host Low sensitivity Normal High sensitivity
High sensitivity: Select if you experience double feeds that jam the
scanner and the buzzer does not sound.
Low sensitivity:
Select if the buzzer sounds when no double feed oc-
09 Detect skew
Determines whether the scanner detects skewed document feed
when pages feed into the ADF at an angle.
Detect Not detect
Skewed feed is detected.
Not detect:
Skewed feed is not detected.
• When scanning confidential documents, make sure that the number of pages scanned displayed in the LCD matches
the actual number of pages scanned.
• The double-feed detection warning may be set off by thick or creased documents, pages with correction fluid on
them, and document pages with punched holes. When scanning these types of documents, you should set the
sensitivity for double feed detection Low (08).
• Double feed detection may not operate correctly when scanning documents shorter than 210 mm (8.3 in.), i.e. A5
size documents.
Setting up the scanner
double feed detection
0 8 . D o u b l e
F e e d
H o s t
0 9 . D e t e c t
S k e w
D e t e c t