Setting up the scanner – Canon DR-4080U User Manual

Page 21

background image


Number, mode and


default display

09 Noise reduction

Sets the rate of noise reduction (speckling) in scanned document

Host None 1

1 2



3 4

4 5

5 6


10 Double feed detection

Switches automatic double feed detection off and on.

1 0 . D o u b l e

F e e d

H o s t

Host Not detect Detect

When set to Detect, the scanner buzzes an alert and the power lamp
flashes red if double feeding is detected. Even if set to OFF for Setting
the Buzzer, it will still buzz an alert.

When scanning important documents, confirm that the number of
scanned pages displayed on the LCD matches the number of actual

Double feed detection will not work if paper is less than 210 mm in length.

11 Feed speed

Sets the scanning speed.

1 1 . F e e d

S p e e d

H o s t

Host Slow Normal

12 Black line removal

When enabled removes the black lines that appear at the top and
bottoms of scanned images.

Host Disable Enable

13 Scanning mode

Sets scanning for actual document size or reduced.

1 3 . S c a n n i n g

M o d e

H o s t

Host Fit to Page Actual

Actual scans at 100% actual page size. Some data on page edges may
be lost.

Fit to Page shrinks image to fit scanned page.

14. Save scanning conditions

Selects the memory bank to which scanning conditions 01 to 13
are saved.

1 4 . S a v e

S e t t i n g

M e m o r y


Memory 1 Memory 2

14 Save scanning settings

Pressing keys simultaneously saves scanning conditions 01
to 13 in the memory selected for “Save Scanning Settings” (Select

“Completed” displayed after saving.

Setting up the scanner

0 9 . N o i s e

+ – – – – – –

R e d u c t .

H o s t

1 2 . B L K


R e m o v e

i n e

H o s t

1 4 . S a v e

S e t t i n g

E x e c = < >

(memory selection)