The ez-usb series 2100 xcelerator development kit – Cypress EZ-USB Series 2100 User Manual
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EZ-USB Series 2100
Anchor Utilities
Anchor Chips provides the best
tools to accelerate the developer’s
firmware development. The USB
Control Panel allows the developer
to send and receive interrupt, bulk,
and isochronous packets and
standard USB device requests
without first developing the host-
based driver for the specific
application. The USB Control
Panel provides manual control of
USB host controller response. It can
be used to test a multitude of
operating conditions without first
learning low-level USB program-
ming. The user can quickly test
different packet sizes and emulate
USB host application responses. In
addition, users can quickly test
and adjust firmware based on
immediate results from the USB
Control Panel.
Also in the EZ-USB development
kit is the EZ-USB 8051 firmware
library and firmware frame-
works. With this library of
predefined function calls, devel-
opers can quickly develop their
peripheral function. The firm-
ware library includes functions
such as ReNumeration, I
programming, descriptor table
parsing, USB initialization, device
initialization, suspend/resume
and complete USB standard
device request processing.
Device Driver
A general-purpose device driver
is included in the Xcelerator
development kit. It is a WDM
driver for Windows 98 or OSR
2.1. With source code provided,
peripheral driver developers can
convert this code to a miniport
driver to meet their unique needs.
EZ-USB Development Board
EZ-USB Peripheral Board
EZ-USB Firmware Library and Firmware Frameworks
EZ-USB General-Purpose Device Driver
EZ-USB Driver and Firmware Sample Code
EZ-USB Control Panel
EZ-USB Documentation
Reference Schematics
8051 C Compiler from Keil Software
8051 Assembler from Keil Software
8051 Custom Debugger from Keil Software
The EZ-USB Series 2100
Xcelerator Development Kit