Troubleshooting – Philips AZ 6825 User Manual

Page 16

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If you are not able to remedy a problem by following these hints, consult your dealer or

service facility. Under no circumstances should you try to repair the unit yourself, as this
would invalidate the guarantee.


Possible cause


No power or CD does not start

(no display indication)

-Batteries or battery pack not

inserted or exhausted

• Insert batteries or battery

pack or use AC power adapter

-Contact pins of batteries or

batterv pack are dirtv

•Clean the contact pins with a

soft, lint-free cloth

-Batteries incorrectly inserted

-Lid of CD player is not

securely closed

•Insert the batteries correctly

•Close the lid securely

-HDLD-function is active

•Switch off the HDLD-function

-The mains adapter is not

connected securely

•Connect the mains adapter


-Local voltage incorrectly

adjusted on mains adapter

•Adjust voltage selector on

mains adapter correctly

-No CD inserted or the CD is

incorrectly inserted

•Insert a CD with the label

facing up

-The CD is dirty

•Clean the CD with a soft,

lint-free cloth.

-The CD is badly scratched

•Use another CD,

No CD play start or interrup­

tion of CD play (no o'/St or
E r r o r )

-Moisture condensation on

the lens

•Open the lid and allow the

set to acclimatize for a few

No sound or bad sound

-Headphone plug is dirty

-PAUSE is activated (time

indication is flashinol

•Clean headphone plug

•Press the PLAY/PAUSE


-Loose or wrong connections

•Check connections

-VOLUME is not turned up

•Adjust the VOLUME

-Headphones worn the wrong

wav around

•Pay attention to the 'L' (left)

and 'R' (right) indication

-Strong magnetic fields near

the CD player

•Find another place for unit or

change connections