Precautions, Maintenance, Use your head when using headphones – Philips AZ 6825 User Manual

Page 14: Radio interference suppression

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• Do not expose the CD player, the battery and the discs to rain and dampness or to

excessive heat caused by heating equipment or to direct sunlight, for example inside a car
parked in the sun.

• Do not expose the CD player and the discs to sand.
• The mechanical parts of the CD player contain self-lubricating bearings and therefore must

not be oiled or lubricated.

• Fingerprints, dust and dirt on the player can be wiped off with a clean, soft and slightly

dampened chamois leather. Do not use cleaning agents that contain abrasives or solvents
such as petrol, diluting agents, alcohol, benzine or ammonia, as these may have a
corrosive effect on the housing.

• The labels are removeable without leaving any glue on the door.

CD player and discs

• The lens ® must not be cleaned.
• The lens may cloud over if the player is suddenly moved from cold

to warm surroundings. If that happens, it is not possible to play a
disc. Do not clean the lens, but give the player some time to

• Always hold the discs at the edges and always replace them in their

covers after use.

• To remove dust, breathe on the disc and wipe it with a soft, lint-free

cloth in a straight line from the centre towards the edge. A cleaning
agent may damage the disc!

Use your head when using headphones


Hearing safety:

Do not play your headphones at a high volume. Hearing experts advise

that continuous use at high volume can pemianently damage hearing.

Traffic safety:

Do not use headphones while driving a vehicle. Using while driving may

create a hazard and it is illegal in many countries. Even if your headphones are an open-air
type designed to let you hear outside sounds, do not turn up the volume so high that you
cannot hear what is going on around you.

Radio interference suppression______________ __ ____________________

This CD player complies with the radio interference requirements as laid down in European

Community regulations.