Corinex Global Powerline Router User Manual

Page 95

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Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) – 1. The protocol most commonly
used in the World Wide Web to transfer information from Web servers to
Web browsers. 2. The protocol that negotiates document delivery to a Web
browser from a Web server.

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) – 1. The language used in the
World Wide Web to create web pages with links to other documents, rich
text enhancements (bold, italic, etc.) and so on. The “source” file for what
you see on a web page is written in HTML. 2. The language with which
World Wide Web documents are formatted. It defines fonts, graphics,
hypertext links, and other details. HTML is an implementation of SGML.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) - Best know for
the 7 layer OSI Reference Model.

Internet Protocol (IP) - A Layer 3 (network layer) protocol that contains
addressing information and some control information that allows packets
to be routed. Documented in RFC 791.

Internet Service Provider (ISP) - (1) Any of a number of companies that
sell Internet access to individuals or organizations at speeds ranging from
300 Bps to OC-3. (2) A business that enables individuals and companies
to connect to the Internet by providing the interface to the Internet

IP Address - The 32-bit address defined by the Internet Protocol in RFC
791. It is usually represented in dotted decimal notation.

IPCONFIG - A Windows utility that provides for querying, defining and
managing IP addresses within a network. A commonly used utility, under
Windows NT and 2000, for configuring networks with static IP addresses.

IPSec - IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) is a developing standard for security
at the network or packet processing layer of network communication. A
big advantage of IPSec is that security arrangements can be handled
without requiring changes to individual user computers.

IRQ (Interrupt ReQuest) - hardware interrupt on a PC. There are 16
IRQ lines used to signal the CPU that a peripheral event has started or
terminated. Except for PCI devices, two devices cannot use the same line.

ISP - An ISP (Internet service provider) is a company that provides


Appendix B: Glossary

Corinex Powerline Router User Guide