Corinex Global Powerline Router User Manual
Page 71

only selected IP address Only this IP address can remotely manage the
Router field to manage the Router. This is an advanced feature and you
should enable it only when you have changed the Router access password
from its default value to your own setting.
In this screen you can also enable or disable the NAT (Network Address
Translation) feature. This feature enables you to connect to the LAN side
of your Router more IP hosts (computers), sharing the same single WAN IP
address, so most of the users will have this feature switched Enabled. You
can change the value of NAT enabling in the NAT Enable/Disable field.
Last value which you can change in this screen is UPNP enabling. UPNP
(Universal Pug and Play) is a protocol for seamless managing and
configuring UPNP enabled devices. However, most users would like to
have it switched off, as UPNP is not very wide-spread, and creates possible
security hole if not setup properly. You can change the value of UPNP
enabling in the UPNP Enable/Disable field.
After you have entered the values in this screen, you can set them up by
clicking on the Submit Query button.
3.9 Powerline Setup through the Ethernet Interface using Corinex
Setup Tool
If you want to change the password on the powerline interface without
using web-based utility, you can change it using the
Corinex Setup Tool.
The computer running
Corinex Setup Tool must be connected directly or
through the hub to one of the Ethernet LAN ports of the Router (Figure
Powerline Setup through the Ethernet Interface
Corinex Powerline Router User Guide