Corinex Global Powerline Router User Manual

Page 100

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Swapping - Replacing one segment of a program in memory with another
and restoring it back to the original when required.

Switch – 1. A data switch connects computing devices to host computers,
allowing a large number of devices to share a limited number of ports. 2.
A device for making, breaking, or changing the connections in an electrical

Switched Ethernet - Configuration supporting an Ethernet hub with
integrated MAC layer bridging or switching capability to provide each
port with 10 or 100 Mbps of bandwidth. Separate transmissions can occur
simultaneously on each port of the switching hub, and the switch filters
traffic based on the destination MAC address.

Throughput - The amount of data moved successfully from one place to
another in a given time period.

Topology - A network’s topology is a logical characterization of how the
devices on the network are connected and the distances between them.
The most common network devices include hubs, switches, Routers, and
gateways. Most large networks contain several levels of interconnection,
the most important of which include edge connections, backbone
connections, and wide-area connections.

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) - The common
name for the suite of protocols developed by the U.S. Department of Defense
in the 1970s to support the construction of world-wide internetworks. TCP
and IP are the two bestknown protocols in the suite. TCP corresponds to
Layer 4 (the transport layer) of the OSI reference model. It provides reliable
transmission of data. IP corresponds to layer 3 (the network layer) of the
OSI reference model and provides connectionless datagram service.

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) - A simplified version of FTP allowing
the transfer of files from one computer to another over a network.

TX Rate – Transmission Rate.

Upgrade - To replace existing software or firmware with a newer version.

Upload - To send a file transmitted over a network. In a communications
session, upload means transmit, and download means receive.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) - The address that defines the route to


Appendix B: Glossary

Corinex Powerline Router User Guide