Corinex Global Powerline Router User Manual

Page 94

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Decryption applies the algorithm in reverse to restore the data to its
original form.

Ethernet - A baseband LAN specification invented by Xerox Corporation
and developed jointly by Xerox, Intel, and Digital Equipment Corporation.
Ethernet networks operate at 10 Mbps using CSMA/CD to run over coaxial
cable. Ethernet is similar to a series of standards produced by IEEE referred
to as IEEE 802.3.

Fast Ethernet - A 100 Mbps technology based on the 10Base-T Ethernet
CSMA/CD network access method.

Firewall – 1. Isolation of LAN segments from each other to protect data
resources and help manage traffic. 2. Hardware or software that restricts
traffic to a private network from an unsecured network.

Firmware - Programming that is inserted into programmable read-only
memory, thus becoming a permanent part of a computing device.

Fragmentation - Breaking a packet into smaller units when transmitting
over a network medium that cannot support the original size of the

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) – 1. An IP application protocol for transferring
files between network nodes. 2. An Internet protocol that allows a user on
one host to transfer files to and from another host over a network.

Gateway - A set of functions intended to facilitate electronic access by
users to remote services and vice versa. Gateways are intended to provide
a single source through which users can locate and gain access to a wide
variety of service. Gateways typically offer a directory of services available
through them, and provide billing for these services.

Home Page - The first page of a Web site or of a logical group of HTML

HomePlug - HomePlug is an industry Alliance comprised of industry
leaders at each level of the value chain - from Technology to Services
& Content. The Alliance members bring necessary capabilities and a
financial commitment to the successful launch of the technology. The
Alliance’s mission is to enable and promote rapid availability, adoption
and implementation of cost effective, interoperable and standards-based
home powerline networks and products.


Appendix B: Glossary

Corinex Powerline Router User Guide